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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 31 December 2006
And now for these short messages
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, well, well. Looks like the busy holiday season has temporarily put the blog to sleep. It’s been a couple of busy weeks what with the Christmas party season directly conflicting with the arrival of Tim & Vicki which, in my case at least, led to being very busy, staying up past my bedtime and going above the legal alcohol limit for driving a few times. They had barely left when we had to organize ourselves to head down south to spend a lovely and quiet Christmas with my family where Elisabeth promptly got sick and lost her voice. Since we’ve been back, I’ve been back at work, Elisabeth is still struggling with her cold (Though Champaign & organic Chardonnay is helping her along better than any pills seem to have done) and we’ll be biking to a New Years party this evening where we will be well behaved because I’ve got to work tomorrow.

So that’s it for the re-cap. It’s been a pleasant two weeks with lots of good food and drink being (mostly) consumed in moderation. No New Year de-tox for us!

As for me, not too many New Years resolutions. Other that the usual ones to get more healthy, I’ve actually started to use a diary to keep track of things and over my past 5 day trial, it’s been pretty good and I’m more on the ball with doing things. Will it last into February, though? We’ll see…

Happy New Year to all ( Or, happy Eid al-Adha, if you’re so inclined) and your regularly scheduled programme will resume after the holidays.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:28 PM GMT
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Saturday, 23 December 2006
Meowy Christmas!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We're leaving today for Dorset/Wiltshire where we'll spend Christmas with Stephen's English family. We'll be back on the 27th, so until then, have a very Meowy Christmas!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:42 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 23 December 2006 4:44 PM GMT
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Friday, 22 December 2006
Happy Holidays....
Mood:  happy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
A half-day today for Elisabeth, and 1 shift for Stephen on Saturday, and then we are offically on our way to Christmas! Yay!

I hope all of you are enjoying this festive season, and like me have eaten way too much chocolate, cheese and booze.

Wednesday my company took the team to Foxhills golf club for a mid-day feast. In our cosy private room set with oil paintings and a roaring fireplace, we drank champagne at 12:30 in the afternoon, exchanged presents, and ate a delicious meal. I got back to work around 4:30, and tried to not slur my words on the phone.

Some very thoughtful person brought Galler chocolates to the office, and I'm sorry Stephen, but I've fallen in love with a tin of cocoa, butter and sugar.

And a very Happy 5th Anniversary to Mark & Jenn (on the 21st)-- we hope you wined and dined in style.

There are rumblings we will take a weekend trip to Brussels in Jan/Feb...anyone got any tips/suggestions?

Drink, eat, and be merry one and all...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:57 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 22 December 2006 8:00 AM GMT
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Sunday, 17 December 2006
Sunny Sunday
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: BBC Radio ONE!
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Tim & Vicki departed by train yesterdy for the English Riviera (that's Cornwall, if you weren't aware). We had a lovely visit, albeit short as Stephen & I were working most of the time, and are looking forward to seeing them again in the new year.

It's been sunny this weekend, and we're just trying to catch up on sleep and preparations for xmas and stuff.

Otherwise, not much to report.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:06 AM GMT
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Thursday, 14 December 2006
Slinking Around
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Last night Stephen's work Christmas party brought 3 drunken co-workers home last night, so 7 of us stayed at the flat, some with pillows & blankets, some not...

4 hours of sleep later and we're all up and going to work.

Needless to say...going to bed very soon.

This evening, while Stephen was at work, Tim, Vicki & I made our way to Guildford for a scrumptious Tandori... it was very pretty with all the Christmas lights up at night.

Good more to say...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:34 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Too funny
Topic: Stephen Says
Soy makes you gay! Best part of the article:

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality

Actually, the whole article is the best part of the article. It ends with tis warning:

Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it's perfectly safe because it's fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu.

America: Lead in the world in wha?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:54 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2006 7:58 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Yay for Visitors!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tropicalia
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Tim & Vicki arrived from Philadelphia yesterday morning. As Stephen & I both had to work, we got them into the apartment, gave them keys, towels, food and a bed, and then left.

Which was good, as they were quite tired.

My manager let me go an hour early, and so we all got to hang out, go to a quick learning disabeled course at the YPOD and then out to dinner at the lovely L'Aroma.

More drinks & christmas carols into the night.

Feeling a bit worse for ware today. But Tim & Vicki are now making an amazing smelling stir-fry...which is ready now..bye

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:09 PM GMT
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Saturday, 9 December 2006
Office Christmas Party
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Last night was my office Christmas party, which was held at the Ship Hotel in Weybrdige, which happens to be next door to my last job's office building. Swings and roundabouts...swings and roundabouts...

The evening started with drinks, and introducing Stephen to my curious colleagues. Everything was a bit uncertain, and people hadn't had enough drink to be relaxed yet.

Soon enough, we were seated for dinner, and unlike many companies, there were no speeches or a welcome, or anything. So, we pulled our Christmas crackers apart (most people at my table seemed too embarrassed to do such a childish thing) and put on our crowns. Well, Stephen and I did.

The food was deplorable. Brown, mushy and bitter sprouts, a thin stick of black crisp, which we decided was supposed to be a roasted parsnip. The roasted part was what gave it away.

The soup was like drinking oil, the plum pudding tasted like petrol. So, the drink his us even harder as we didn't eat much.

Well I was ok because I stopped drinking after 4 glasses of wine...Stephen on the other hand made a right ol' show of himself-- swearing at ladies, shimmy-ing up and down support beams...I got a lot of raised eyebrows from colleagues...what will they say on Monday? But if it weren't for Stephen, it would have been unbearably dull...

We did a lot of dancing, as usual...people gave us plenty of space...

At 12:30 the taxi came to take us home. Stephen just about passed out.

This morning at 9:15, Stephen got a call to go into work for a few hours, and despite the hangover, he ate breakfast, hopped on his bike, and is now at work!

I on the other hand, can barely be arsed to shower. But I will of course. I must do a few things in town...

Here's two pix from the part-ay

tommorrow: Tim & Vicki?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:55 AM GMT
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
Stupid stuff
Topic: Stephen Says
Weather: It was pouring at work and then I rode my bike home and by the time I got up the hill, it had all turned to snow. Yes folks, an overall elevation of 1.5 metres is the difference between rain and snow in Woking.

Of course it's gone now. Snow in England lasts about as long as the Iraq Survey Groups findings remain relevant in George W. Bush's 'brain'.

I had my 1st sleep in at work in what seemed ages which meant unbridled access to a television set which meant that not only did I watch the Party Poker's Australian open but I got to see a double bill of Van Damme movies:

His modern day classic 'Derailed,' which featured a cutting edge plot inolving terrorist bio-weapons, and super-marionation traintastic special effects. Utterly craptastic in the most boring way you can imagine.

This was followed by his classic movie 'Kickboxer' (Not to be confused with Kickboxers 2-5 which didn't actually feature the Muscles from Brussels) which features one of the (If not the) greatest action scene in a movie ever:

Will have more soon when I'm not quite so tired, it's not quite so late and the phone isn't ringing so much.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:03 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Merrily, Merrily...
Now Playing: XTC
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

It's a bit freezing tonight, and without central heating, it's necessary to wear layers and a toque (wooly hat) indoors.

Stephen sounded a bit poopy this morning about the weather, but at least he works in a great big edwardian house with a radiator system reputedly on overdrive. And he gets to sleep there fully dressed-two duvet action for him!

So how's December treating you all out there? Christmas cards (or e-cards for you eco-warriors) have been prepared/posted? Gifts: bought, wrapped?

Or are you like me and have good intentions but no will to carry through with actions? For example, for most of the year I've been looking forward to Christmas so that we can stock up on wine, cheese and chocolate...but I just can't justify doing it because there's no point. There's only two of us! We'll just get really fat and gluttony.

And Christmas presents...sure I love my friends and family, but you know, why should we spend money on each other? And receiving gifts isn't that pleasurable either. In fact, thinking about the material aspects of Christmas just turns me off.

Instead, lets just smile a lot, drink lots of hot drinks, and enjoy the way the moonlight shines through the bare branches of the trees at night. The frosts, the time off work, and hopefully spending time with people you don't spend enough time with. Parties: dancing and these things is my seasonal joy.

So that's my apology to everyone and all as to why you won't be getting a prezzie from me! Maybe you'll see a card...if I can stop blogging and surfing the internet long enough to get my act together.

Looking forward to my office x-mas party on Friday, as well as Tim & Vicki's arrival this weekend...

Ding dong merrily I'm high!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:10 PM GMT
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