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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 11 June 2007
The End
Now Playing: Mark snoring upstairs, Rupert meowing for food
Topic: Stephen Says
And thus ends the blog. Apologies for it going out with a whimper but hey, we've been busy.

So we're in Toronto now and are in the process of getting ourselves sorted out. Still don't have cell phones but that should get sorted today. If you want to keep in touch and haven't already, please join Facebook and make E&I your friends. Or e-mail us.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:17 PM BST
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Friday, 1 June 2007
Now Playing: Low - Drums & Guns
Topic: Stephen Says
Our internet gets cut off at some point today and I'm not too sure how much acess the 'net we'll have over the next 10 days. Elisabeth was planning on doing a wrap up (And still may) so this'll probably be the 2nd or 3rd to last entry here ever. If any of you need to get in touch with us, please use our mobile numbers posted on the front page.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:03 AM BST
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Sunday, 27 May 2007
...And we're away again
Topic: Stephen Says
Doing Brighton, Cantebury and in-between. Will be back Tuesdayish. We've been recouperating from our last trip and my apologies for the lack of anything interesting or insightful.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:52 AM BST
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Thursday, 24 May 2007
Back from the West Country
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Just a quick update: we're back safe and sound from Cornwall. There are 296 photots so we'll have to put together a proper blog this weekend.

In short, the trip went off without a hitch and we saw Padstow, Bodmin, Tintagel, Port Isaac, Land's End, St. Michael's Mount, Tavistock, and Dartmoor.

The car was a Renault Clio and a real trooper.

So we've caught some sun and sea, tasted Cornish pasties, cheese and beer. We're tired now and have a full day of chores tomorrow. Probably going to Brighton this weekend, and then Canterbury on Monday to visit my second cousin who's in Ramsgate.

Oh, and it's got to be said that Cornish people are wonderful...healthy, happy and very friendly. A miracle compared with Surrey.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:21 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 24 May 2007 8:23 PM BST
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Monday, 21 May 2007
Away for a few days
Topic: Stephen Says
We're off to Cornwall for a few days. E's being contemporary and is bringing her lap top so we may blog the trip. Or we may not. Who knows?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:20 AM BST
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Saturday, 19 May 2007
Oh what a beautiful mornin'
Mood:  happy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Sorry no blog yesterday, was too hung over from the Thurs. night excursion to Birmingham with my old work mates. They had agreed to a charity dinner in Selfridges, but only a few days ago realized that this was Selfridges in Brum, not London. So a coach was hired, I was invited to join and it turned out to be a lot of fun...actually the travelling bit was more fun than the actual event. Turns out there was no dinner, just invisible canapes...and unlimited beer, champagne and g&ts.

The building itself is quite impressive:

The outside:

The inside:

They had closed the store to the general public and allowed us exclusive shopping until 11pm, of course with the unlimited supply of booze where could it all go wrong?

Except I'm not exactly in the market for Gucci, Prada or Vivenne Westwood. Spending 795 pounds for a small handbag isn't exactly the kind of charity event I'm used to attending.

Then there was a fashion show and an Elton John impersonator...and boy did that liven it up!

Anyway, couldn't do much yesterday, so Stephen ended up doing all the cooking and cleaning. We decided on tofu burgers for dinner and ignoring my advice to slice the tofu brick in two, we ended up with this protein monstor:

It's now the morning after and we're still full!

In other news our furniture has started to be collected by friends...our sofa/bed goes today. We'll meet Stephen's coworkers in town for a curry before we head to Greenwich for the night where we'll drink the night away.

Monday we leave for Cornwall so I think Sunday is a write-off.

Oh, and it's sunny! Yay!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:13 AM BST
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Thursday, 17 May 2007
All that needs to be said on Falwell's death:
Now Playing: Isis - In the Absence of Truth (Ironically enough...)
Topic: Stephen Says

The only thing to add wound be that I would have loved to have seen the look on ol' Jerry's face when he woke up in hell...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:42 PM BST
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Wednesday, 16 May 2007
I don't get it, still.
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Went to London this afternoon. My goal was to buy a new pair of shoes that will function like the three pairs I'm throwing out. While in London I planned to walk around and see some of Mayfair and St. James.

Typically, it was sunny all morning and then rained as soon as we left the apartment (sadly Stephen went to work, for his last shift!). But that's what a brolly is for! So I managed to walk from Waterloo to Covent Garden, bought the shoes and ate lunch. Set off in the new shoes, but they soon rubbed the skin off of my heels and I had to change back to the old. Then I stopped in at the British Museum to see the Rosetta Stone, walked through Soho to Carnaby Street, walked up to Oxford Street and then down Regent street to Berkley Square in Mayfair, and then down to Pall Mall & through St. James. I took little detours down various streets, and I have to say the most interesting one was after an SUV almost ran me over when he suddenly turned off the main street down a tiny bland-looking alley. The windows were tinted and there was an important air about this SUV, so my curiosity got the better of me and I turned down the alley to follow him. From the main street, this alleyway looked like a dead-end of old brick, non-descript buildings. At the end of the alley, it turns sharply and leads right down to Berkley Square. The street turned out to not be bland at all! It contained some chic boutiques, some fancy restaurants, art gallerys etc... but there were quite a few people on the small street. Turns out half of them were restaurant staff, from each restauarant, hanging out on the street smoking cigarettes and waiting...and then the clientele of a pub drinking in the street, but they were dressed as if they'd been to a royal wedding (minus top hats...) but of course this is probably just their day wear. The restaurant staff were probably just waiting for them, like vultures. I got a few funny looks as I strolled by wearing jeans and a plain M&S long sleeved shirt (well, it was made in Italy so...) hobbling along trying to avoid my bloody heels. But hey, I thought it was a free country!

St. James is only worse in terms of absurdly rich and over-inflated senses of self-importance. With shops selling custom made luxury yachts the size of the QEII, I couldn't help but question if "the system" is working when just outside of these posh areas are shabby council flats, beggars, and general grime. Perhaps London's problems are too big to even contemplate tackling, so that one simply has no choice but to ignore them?

Anyway, on a different note, has anyone noticed that the quality of American Apparel clothes has decreased dramatically? I initially ordered from them in like 2002 when they only had a couple of stores (weren't yet in Canada) and I had to order via post.

Today I wanted to replace my well-loved and very functional cotton t-shirts and tank tops, but when I went to the London store, all the shirts were sloppily sewn and made of the thinest fabric possible, as if the shirt would disintegrate after one wash.

Stephen thinks I whine too here's some positives...I'm happy, healthy and alive. I love Stephen and Stephen loves me. We're moving to Canada. I do not have a disease (that I know of). I am drinking a fine English ale. Tomorrow I'm going to Selfridges in Birmingham with my old work-mates for a corporate entertainment evening...and with that I will sign off.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:41 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 May 2007 8:46 PM BST
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Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Day in West Sussex
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It's Tuesday. It's 2:22 pm. I am at home eating pistacios and listening to the radio. I've turned it off now so that I can concentrate.

No longer employed, I had pictured myself out and about in London or in a park, or at least drinking coffee al fresco. Pah! We're being punished for such a mild winter and for the past few days it has been chilly, grey and overcast and raining. I can certainly put up with it for a few weeks more, and all told we've been lucky these past four years. With global warming, we've experienced more sunshine and less rain than the previous hundreds of years. So I musn't complain. Well, I will complain, but about logging and coal burning!

Brrrr...just had to close a a cuppa and some, where was I?

Not working has enabled me to plan out next week's trip to Cornwall. Unlike our trip to Wales, I've booked accomodation for 3 nights, and printed out directions from the AA website, which shows how long each journey should take.

So on Monday we'll pick up the ol' Vauxhall Corsa and drive the 4 hours 44 min. to Padstow in Cornwall. This is right on the coast in the Camel Estuary. We'll stay here 2 nights in a B&B that's close to the harbour. After our breakfast the next morning, we'll rent bicycles for #10 each and cycle around (weather permitting--I do have a plan B--if it's raining we'll go to the haunted Bodmin jail.) and if time in the afternoon, drive up to Tintagel & have dinner. On Wednesday we'll make our way to Tavistock, which is on the edge of Dartmoor, and probably sightsee along the way. We're staying in a garden cottage in Tavistock for one night, and the following day, again weather permitting, we'll explore Dartmoor before ending up in Woking again.

We'll see how much of this goes according to plan!

I realized today that we never posted pictures from our trip last week to Arundel and Bognor Regis. It was last Sunday our South African friend, Debbie, picked us up on a grey and overcast day & we drove south for about an hour until we reached Arundel, a very pretty town with a stunning cathedral and castle punctuating the hilly village.

This is Arundel castle, one of the oldest inhabitted country homes. I repeat, this is a country home!

And here is Stephen & Debbie in front of a gate:

So we went inside the "house" and saw the result of a very old and very greedy family...lots of opulance and relics of past riches. Lots of old portraits by well known painters. The drawing room was so huge and the ceiling so high, the grand piano in the corner looked dwarfed.

Afterwards we strolled through the gardens....

and came upon the second private chapel which had its own little garden and a pond that spewed black water. Now even though we had to pay #12 each to just look at this family's stuff, there weren't any guide books to explain legend has it that this pool gets its waters from the depths of hell...

And Stephen outside the chapel:

And the door into the chapel captured my fancy perhaps more than it should....

From the castle gardens, you get this view of Arundel's catherdral:

We ate at a nice pub in the village and then set out to Bognor Regis. Debbie thought a friend had recommended it but we know realize it was probably Lyme Regis....for Bognor Regis, well, lets just say it reminded me of an American sea side, but more run down.

There were misspelled shop signs, mothers yelling at their children to shut-up, and a very unwelcoming vibe. Turns out it is a major hub of the British National Party.

Anyway, we didn't stay long and had a good diversion driving through beautiful Chichester, then up through the south downs and back to Woking.


Stephen is working again, today and sleeping in tomorrow...I've already bitched at him, but hey, if he enjoys it...this Saturday we're going drinking in London, but otherwise, blissfully there are no plans.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:15 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 May 2007 2:58 PM BST
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Sunday, 13 May 2007
Just a quickie
Topic: Stephen Says
Because there's not too much to say - Elisabeth finished work on Friday and spent the day pissed, and we went out to our favorite Italian resaurant to celebrate and she smashed a wine glass.

At some point on Friday, Elisabeth claims that I was talking about my secret chocolate stash which is news to me, but she promptly scoured the flat looking for it. Now I have some explaining to do.

Oh, and we're planning a few days in Cornwall.
Happy Mother's Day and all that.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:12 AM BST
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