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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 14 February 2005
Paris in Pictures pt.2
Topic: Paris trip 2005
After a tough schlep, it's nice to be able to lounge in the foyer of our hotel room with a glass of wine.

Elisabeth consults the map, wondering where the heck Stephen's taken her now. The Ecole Militaire is in the background.

Like I wrote before, the sun only came out when it mattered. One of those times was when we were at Sainte Chapelle:

Sacre Coeur:

And click HERE for a panorama of Paris from Sacre Coeur that's too big to fit on the blog. [For some reason the linking mechanism isn't working right now so if you can't click on "HERE'" copy and paste this address into your browser to go to the panorama: ]

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:08 PM GMT
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31 kilometers in 60 hours
Topic: Paris trip 2005
[Apologies in advance; I can?t find the button to put accents on all the appropriate vowels.]

Day 1
Note to self (1): When buying e-tickets, remember that Elisabeth?s maiden name is still on her passport. This will prevent an awkward situation while you?re trying to board the plane when you?re told that you can?t because the ticket name doesn?t match up with the passport name. Luckily the dunce behind the check-in counter should have been the one to catch the discrepancy and so there?s not much that they can do about it.

Note to self (2): The Parisian check-in lady will be more alert and catch the problem and be kind enough to bend to rules for you and tear up your old ticket and print out a new, ?corrected? one. The moral of the story: Always travel with your marriage certificate.

At the airport we discovered that the French have a knack of turning Elisabeth beet red. The first occurrence is during her passport check and the officer, upon seeing her Canadian passport says ?Ah, une cousine.? At which point, Elisabeth blurts out in true Quebecois fashion ?Ouai!? Much to the officers amusement.

So we arrived in Paris and were bowled over by so many things. Mostly the pace ? No one running around being busy-bodies like in the UK. Everything?s at a much more relaxed pace, Canadian style. We were even able to stop on a street corner and look around without having anyone bump into us.

I?m not even going to touch upon the insane architecture and city planning. Consider me suitably impressed.

We checked in, walked through the Champs Elysees and pretty much got our bearings; saw the opera house, wandered about. I ate the best baguette I?d ever had and realized that my vegetarianism would be severely challenged seeing as most Parisians were under the impression that fish grew from trees. Luckily there were lots of pizza joints.

We hit the main drag that night and soaked up Parisian tourist culture and had a late supper. My accent, as usual, sucked but once I got over the embarrassment of it, people were happy to talk back to me in French.

At least 5 kilometers walked.

Day 2
Got up, ate, walked along the Seine to the Eiffel Tower and then along the Left Bank, passed by the Musee D?Orsay and ate lunch. Walked to Notre Dame cathedral, Sainte Chapelle, and then wandered around the area until we found a marche, fromagerie & a boulangerie. Walked back to the hotel and crashed.

At least 16 kilometers walked.

That night we became acquainted with European culture: German MTV, French games & variety shows, and of course, CNN.

Day 3
Checked out of the hotel, ate, decided to take it easy so we walked up to Sacre Cour & then toured Montmartre. It started to hail so we hid in a cafe. Then we walked back to the Champs Elysees to see it in daylight and realized that exhaustion and grumpiness was setting in & we still had 4 hours ?till we were picked up to go to the airport. So we loitered in Cafe before setting out and walking for the 100th time through the Jardin des Tuileries, did some window shopping & checked out the insane antique shops outside the Louvre.

At the very, very least, another 16 kilometers walked.

I?m still to pissed off to go into what happened at Charles de Gaulle airport; suffice to say that it involved, in a microcosm, a reenactment of the current state of American/French relations post-9/11 and climaxed with a bottle of Orangina exploding all over my crotch.

And that?s it; back to England. If you have any questions, post them below and I?ll fill in the blanks. Elisabeth will be posting her own version of events soon enough.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:11 PM GMT
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Paris in Pictures
Topic: Paris trip 2005
Our trip was pretty grey with occasional bursts of sunlight at the best possible times. Here, Elisabeth poses with the Eiffel Tower in the background; it's top shrouded in mist. We're in France, not England, I swear!

A very sexy shot of the Champs Elysees at night; the obelisk is all lit up, the Eiffel Tower in the background doing it's best impression of Place Ville Marie.

Elisabeth & the Arc de Triomphe

The next day wasn't as grey and Stephen gets his chance to pose infront of the Eiffel Tower...

...and then pose beneath it...

...and then the tower got a chance to pose all by itself.

Outside Notre Dame Cathedral(Almost as impressive as the one in Montreal):

Stephen wonders 'what's it all about' inside Sainte Chapelle.

The answer comes later that evening with a dinner of vin rouge, une baguette frais & some tres smelly cheese.

More to come later...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:02 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 14 February 2005 3:08 PM GMT
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Thursday, 10 February 2005
A few more hours...
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Topic: Stephen Says
Yikes! Prince Chuck has finally embraced his homosexuality and is getting married to that transvestite, the Bowels "woman." I'll be interested to see how all this plays out with the British public; last I heard, same-sex marriage wasn't a popular subject. After all, look at the deteriorating state of society in Canada - we haven't yet come to our senses and embraced all those sensible British notions like 'council tax,' 'the class system,' and 'kissing George W. Bush's arse.' It's a wonder how can get around to get to our local grocery store to buy our Red Rose tea!

Therefore, this will be our last blog entry for a few days as E&I will be taking to the Continant, where we will see how the other half lives.

[By 'other half,' I refer to the non-english speaking barbarians who eat cheese, conquer this glorious isle but find the stubborn nature of this lands people too strong to assiliate, and of course, resist kissing George W. Bush's queue.]

I suspect that, on our return to this Sceptered Isle, we'll have some pictures to post so hopefully that will satisfy the bleating of the colonials over in the New World.


(...Oddly, I'm still listening to Neurosis...)

Here's a link to keep y'all busy while we're away, courtesy of my lovely wife. Be warned; there's lots of potty language in it; though it's perfectly justified:
Some British views on our charming hamlet, WOKING

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:18 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2005 3:19 PM GMT
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Monday, 7 February 2005
Coffee is wonderful
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: nomeansno
Topic: Stephen Says
blogging in note-form:
1) The computer seems to have magically fixed itself so WooHoo. Plus we're able to run programmes that we never could before so ... what's up with that? As a result, I don't know if we'll be sending She-Bop away to the Dell warehouse. If we don't, Dad; we'll just return your cheque since a little check up will probably only cost a few quid.

2)Happy birthday to Stephen W.! 30 years old? you're a big boy now!

3)Jenn; your marmalade will get sent soon... sometime this week. Maybe. Sean, you'll get yours once E's figured out how to burn DVD's etc.

4) Must go; I've got nothing else to say. Silly computers. Silly, silly computers.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:35 PM GMT
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Thursday, 3 February 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The humming of Flourecent Lights
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

"She-bop", better known as Stephen's Laptop, has fallen ill and will be out of commission indefinetly. We are more broken up about this than you are...believe me. We will report back when the situation is more clear. But suffice to say, the keyboard is not functioning & the motherboard might have to abandon ship.

This message was brought to you courtesy the Photo Album Company :)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:48 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 2 February 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Stephen Says
I got into an argument with the woman at Barclays Bank this morning because I didn't bring 'additional' identification when I paid my Visa. She demanded to see at least 1 other piece of photo ID (which I didn't have) and I was told that I wouldn't be able to put the money on my Visa. I told her that I refused to leave because it wasn't like I was TAKING money off my Visa so she had to talk to the manager who in turn made me answer a barrage of questions to verify who I was. When I told them that I've never had this problem in the past, I was told that it was "standard" when you pay more than 300 pounds onto your Visa account.

Man, I wish that I had asked them what they would have done if I'd have paid 200 pounds in today and then come back tomorrow and paid the other 125.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:50 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Can't think of a title today
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Blogs with photos
Okay, first things first: I've been meaning to post this link that Sean sent me. It gives a pretty good overview of how Royal Holloway sucked. There are more specific things, of course, but this is a good summary without any ranting on my part. Like I'm trying not to start doing right now, sort of.

Today's public service announcement:

Elisabeth took the day off yesterday after twisting her ankle from walking a tad too much in her heels. We'd been to the south for my Nain's birthday and it looks like her shoes needed to be broken in a little bit more. >sigh< The trials & tribulations of being a modern-day fashion icon. Typically frustrating stuff where a bum ankle means you can't get to work because you don't have a car. All her walking was right out and what's the deal with bad ankles & biking? Is it good or bad for them? Better safe than sorry, we thought! So we stayed home and watched North by Northwest.

Other than that, there's nothing else going on! Boo. We're penny pinching because Elisabeth lost 40% of her bonus to taxes (Boo.) and we want to have lots of cash on hand for gay Paris in two weeks (Yay.). I'm looking forward to spending that Micky Mouse currency popularily known as the "Euro" on such things as fromage, vin et une belle, belle baguette sur la rive nord de la Seinne. Oh la la, je devrais practiqer mon Francais! C'est tellement terrible!

Ce soir, nous mangeons du pizza et (j'espaire) on va regarder Rocky; un film que I've been dying to see pour plus de un an! J'espaire que Elisabeth va l'aimer.

Tabarnak! My spelling's terrible!

A couple of weeks ago while visiting Guildford, I tried to follow Alice through the looking glass:

But I found myself still in Guildford with a sore nose.

Elisabeth had a bit more luck with the looking glass trick and found herself in hell:

Oops, no, not hell - that's our entrance hall. Still, it was a neat trick.

Right, Elisabeth's going to be home soon; I've got to get my pizzas made.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:47 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 11:55 AM GMT
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Saturday, 29 January 2005
Fun With Filo
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen has been having fun with Filo the past 24 hours. Last night he made spinach & feta filo parcels, and tonight he's making a Green Kulbyaka, which is basically a Russian casserole using rice, lentils, onions, mushrooms all baked in filo pastry. MMMMMmmmm lots of butter & smells so good!

For dessrt I will attempt to make chocolate filo truffles. But I've discovered, or perhaps the better word is admitted, that Stephen is the better cook between the two of us, which is fine with me. In genereal I'm a rubbish housekeeper...I did the laundry today and remembered only half way through the cycle to add soap. : [

Now, onto more important things: The Whisky Marmalade contest:

Since our blog host erased some of ourcomments for the contest for answereing the question "why is Stephen calling our Bonzai plant Buckaroo?" we have decided to forfeit that competetion. The answer lies in a fabulour movie (screened in 1984) called Buckaroo Banzai. Check it out. You will NOT be disappointed!


Please submit your favorite filo pastry receipe, and the best tasting dish will be judged the winner of one jar of whisky marmalade, which will be posted to your mailing address free of charge.

We look forward to receiving your receipes!!!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:47 PM GMT
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Thursday, 27 January 2005
Good Morning
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
Here's your anti-Bush article of the day.

I've got to get going this morning - the job papers are out. Unfortunately, according to one of Elisabeth's co-workers, the job market doesn't heat up 'til mid-February; once all the companies have gotten their accounts in order after the Christmas chaos and have realized that they aren't about to file for chapter 11.

Damn, Bush was on a role yesterday. This one's got a few gems.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:53 AM GMT
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