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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Bla, bla bla
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
Something strange must be going on when Elisabeth starts hinting that it is I who should be blogging a little bit more. Usually I'm the one nagging her to keep the blog alive.

Unfortunately, I don't have a heck of alot to say - it's been all work all the time, the last few days, which, I must add, I don't mind at all. It's been an exciting week so far with police & broken glass & dodgy psychiatrists and the tension is palpable as we approach this Big Inspection in early June. I slept the other night on the office floor & did a 14 hour shift yesterday.

I've got today off, thank God. I'm a litle bit nervous of burning out but I think that's just an over-reaction. More strangenesss over at the homestead - Elisabeth has slipped me a 20 pound note telling me to 'spoil myself' today.' It's official, I suppose - she wears the pants (trousers) in this household!

Ugh, damn I need more coffee before I get out. My mind is as blank as a fart.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:37 AM BST
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Tuesday, 24 May 2005
Oh the Ironing!
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So yes, the Angelfire server has been down for a couple of days...which explains why all blogging has been on hold. Don't panic, we're still alive & puttering around Surrey. Stephen is doing the over-night shift tonight, so I am sitting in my underwear at 10:30 at night, debating whether or not to do the ironing, and what to cook for dinner tomorrow that will keep for Thursday. And frankly, as Queen Elizabeth says..."Let them eat CAKE!"

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:26 PM BST
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Friday, 20 May 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: D.O.A. - Talk Minus Action Equals Zero
Topic: Stephen Says
Yeah, so *technically* I got assaulted today and it kinda sucked because I had to do alot of paperwork as a result. I also cooked up a batch of kick arse Thai chicken tonight, so who's complaining?

Oh yeah, I know who is - every motorist who passed through Woking today. There was some kind of spectacular accident today where (and I kid you not, this is 100% true) a cement mixer ran over & killed a man by the town center. When it stopped, the car behing the mixer crashed into it & the two people in the front were taken to the hospital. The police closed down Woking's main artery & life for drivers passing through sucked.

I pulled a 12 hour work day today and have earned my cider. Goodnight.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:23 PM BST
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Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Stephen Says
Rightie ho, enough with all this silliness with comments and onto the silliness of life. My, how whimsical that sounds. Elisabeth has been the victim of card fraud and we've had 70 pounds taken from our accunt. We've followed it up and will be doing the paperwork thing, etc and, with luck, be getting re-imbursed by the end of the month. Our fight with Dell has taught us some things about some things and all is good. Her card is cancelled and we shan't lose any more money. It also helps our case that the withdrawl was made manually (no card involved) from somewhere in northern England while she was in China.

The funny thing is that we're so comfortable right now that we didn't notice the missing cash for almost a month. As a result, we're going to buy a proper table & chairs with the money when we get it back. So long pink table & blue benches!

We'll be auctioning them off on eBay so keep your eyes peeled!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:23 PM BST
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Monday, 16 May 2005
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Stack Attack
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Ok so thank you all who posted comments (6 in total...not including the Sean & Stephen repeats). You did average when it comes to alphabetical order.

But the more important thing is that we had 40 hits on our website yesterday, and only 6 people have left comments. This means that only 15% of people reading this page care to identify yourselves.

WHo the hell are y'all?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:50 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 16 May 2005 9:54 PM BST
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Sunday, 15 May 2005
Break on Through
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Autechre--"Second Scout"
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Hey ya''s Sunday afternoon in Surrey Uk, and Stephen & I have already been to the hardware store twice to buy a florencent lightbulb and a new shade for our kitchen window (no more nursey themes!).

We went into town, had a pint & now are home to relax...well Stephen is making a super smelling curry & I'm drinking wine & enjoying the sunshine through the window.

Yesterday was an amazing day for me as I spent the day with the company secretary (who is leaving to start her African food catering company) & helped her as a server for her first solo job. The day started by collecting the pig (already dead) from a fellow spit-roaster/butcher & then jamming steel rings through the pig's flesh to attach it to a pole. Then we drove to a parking lot on the river Thames, somewhere between Sunbury & Hampton where we were met by the lady who's 40th birthday party had brought us all together. She turned out to be a sucessful contemporary artist currently exhibiting at the Saatchi Gallery in London. As the party was on a small island (Platt Eyot--a real name!) they came and collected us & the food in a boat. We sailed around a nesting swan to the other side of the island where we set the cooker alight and cooked the pig for 5 hours. It was so much fun, & the party was a blast as it was free food, live music, on a secluded island (car free) on the water & the company was artsy type people so everyone was super nice. I ate some of the the reformed vegetarian hypocrit that I am...and it was delicious! (I even tried the crackling-which is the cooked skin all bubbled and crispy) mmmmmmmmmmmmmm....sinful

Anyway...I am drunk now so here's a IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL READERS: We want to break the record for the most comments in 24 hours ever to be posted at oz/rexcats. So please post a comment following these guidelines:

1. All commenters shall state their name
2. All commenters must write 1 letter of the alphabet, but this must be in alphabetical order. So the first commenter leaves their 1) Name & 2) "a"

The second commenter leaves his/her name & text "b", and so on.

Let's see how many letters of the alphabet we can post in a 24 hour period. Should there be more commenters than there are letters in the alphabet, please start using Aa, Bb, Cc...

And remember, this IS a popularity contest.

Good posting to ya'll.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:44 PM BST
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Saturday, 14 May 2005
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Stephen Says
Not to be outdone by her husband getting a job so that we can be a dual-income family, Elisabeth has taken it one step further and is moonlighting as a caterer. A friend of hers has started her own catering company (click here for the as-yet-still under construction web site - Today's her first do.) and Elisabeth has eagerly agreed to help her get the business going.

Me? Well, after doing the dishes, the laundry, vaccuming the flat and buying the groceries, I'm going to settle in with a few cans of cider and some pasta with red lentil bolognaise. It's all about the food.

Disturbing incident of the week: I've signed up to a private health insurance scheme (scheme? That sounds so dodgy. I mean, PLAN) and now have things like accidental death & disability coverage and a dental plan. Now, if only I could find a dentist...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:00 PM BST
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Friday, 13 May 2005
Vague Blogging
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Grand Buffet - Sparkle Classic
Topic: Stephen Says
The past few days, I've been feeling pretty smug about my job & how I'm getting paid to basically fill out forms & hang out with people. Elisabeth has been reminding me about the nature of my job and that at some point, I'll be in a situation where I'll earn my pay. That was last night. I've survived & have certainly not been scared off but the next time that kind of thing happens, I'll get to call 999 & the special response unit. Whee! Vague blog entries rock!

Oh, and it's official - We both have the last 2 weeks in September off and we're coming (Going back?) to Canaduh. Last night on my sleep over shift, I watched a late night comedy show featuring all Canadian comics. Naturally, it was more annoying and embarassing than funny. Oh Canaduh, I stand on guard for thee!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:41 PM BST
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Jazzing it Up
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Oscar Peterson
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It's Thursday evening, and Stephen is working the night shift. I sit in a smoky bar, wondering what, oh what is this all meant to be? Some big cosmic joke...we are all alone, yet always looking for the "other"...

Ok, Mr. Peterson just changed to something more upbeat...I am actualy at home in our apartment, enjoying some warm red lentil bologense. I had a Dr.'s appointment this morning b/c my back is still hurting. I have not damaged anything, only strained my muscles, which have inflamed to the point of "pinching nerves". I have decided this is a wake up call for me to loose some weight and be more healthy. As a result I have not eaten any cookies in 5 days...a record! I have also cut out caffeine and most snacking. And most importantly, I stick to one serving of a meal. Not 3-4 servings. Plus, more veggies, more fruit, more water...and well I notice a difference already. I'm starting to see my chin emerge! And once I can safely exercise again, it shouldn't take too long to achieve physical perfection....right?

Bore, bore bore...Generaly though, life is turning into a utopia with Stephen working. He likes his job, I like mine. We have more money than we ever have before, and we can think about travelling, and seeing concerts, maybe even afford a nicer apt?

But there's debts to pay, and even they feel good right now, b/c they have limited life-span. But there's 2 more weeks to the 1st paycheck...then all hell's breakin' loose!

I'm on painkillers...I think I'm a washing machine...although I forgot my painkillers at work...tomorrow's Friday! Bwah-hahahahahaha!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:18 PM BST
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Tuesday, 10 May 2005
Mindless, meandering news
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Topic: Stephen Says
Actually, what I'm listening to, over and over again, is song #7: Bridges. At over 10, hell, 11 minutes long, it's the piece de resistence of the album; alternatively the heaviest death metal you'll hear all week, coupled with the most minimalist and depressing piano/drum duet. And when you mix them together, well, you've got the musical equivilant of anger and sadness all perfectly rolled into one. My highest recomendation.

It's my day off and the job is going well, though it would be going better if I wasn't so sick. With regards to the never ending complaints about being broke, those complaints will end as we enter the month of June. I can't really get into the details of my job except that it's alot of everything and the biggest (quote-unquote) eye opener (/end quote-unquote) is how similar it is to Elisabeth's job in the sense that I can see that I'll get alot started and not alot finished. But it makes me happy and it keeps me on my toes.

I was such a jerk to a telemarketer today that he actually shouted at me. Many times. It was, as Mr. Chrurchill would say on this 60th (ish) anniversary of VE Day, my finest moment.

We also, for those who haven't been informed already, will not be heading back to North America for Christmas. My job sort of makes it impossible. Elisabath's sort of said 'Right, well September's back on." and I'm not one to argure with her. Soooo, the north America trip is still on, though earlier & less festive (Not really, we'll still have a glass of wine with y'all) than we'd planned.

Right, well, got to go. By the way, make sure that y'all check out Elisabeth's trip to China/Hong Kong blog entry. It's 4 pages long on word & certainly more impressive & informative than what i've just written.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:30 PM BST
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