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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Windy and Rainy
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It's a cold, rainy and windy morning, so's just not running weather...

Stephen's making his toast, and will soon to off to Londun for his training.

I'm eating toast, and have run out of things to say.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:16 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 3 November 2005 7:16 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 1 November 2005
Me Too!
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: And You Will Know Us By theTrail of Dead
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Didn't end up doing any theatre stuff...hopefully tonight. Did go for a run this morning, did go to work (so did Stephen), and we've had leftovers for dinner, Stephen was kind enough to bring a fresh baguette we're now happily full.

Today was my first panic ...wait...

Stephen wants me to say that he'll be acting deputy manager now (unofficially--but will get increased pay), for either 2 weeks, or 4 months...and so he'll be working more, and blogging less?

Anyway, today was my first panic that I've started working at another office. Now that I'm getting settled, I've had a chance to reflect that this is not the way I get my kicks...and will have to figure out how to resolve this, in time.

Anyway, here's a picture of my new haircut...from one angle...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:39 PM GMT
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And while Elisabeth was blogging...
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4! Ooooooh!
Topic: Stephen Says
This what I looked like when I showed up to Snowdon's Cristmas party:

And this is what I looked like at the end of the party:

I never got out to the metal concert last night - setting off fireworks was much more exciting.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:43 AM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 November 2005 6:31 PM GMT
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Monday, 31 October 2005
It's Halloween and I'm Blogging
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries has been a while. Comparatively.

I hope you are all having/had a more exciting Halloween than I am/did. I can hear fireworks going off not too far away, and saw a band (probably Draven) tuning up in the town square as I got groceries after work. I remembered then that last year Stephen & I went out to see the teenage-crowded concert and enjoyed it. This year, I can't feel bothered to go, it's like Halloween is not really happening. But Stephen will be there with a couple of the residents tonight.

So this last weekend was the start of cleaning up my appearance for work, and I finally got a haircut. It's nice, but I've got to figure out how to tame it! On Sat. I went into Guildford for a birthday party, and went a bit early to do some serious shopping...only coming away with a pair of trousers. Stephen chastised me on Sunday because I am so silly about buying clothes that don't go with anything else. So he advised me on what to look for, came with me to the department store in Woking, and actually made suggestions as to which shirts I should try on...and I came away with 4 new tops, all of which go with other things I have. I never would have picked these out on my own. I'm also always wondering why people mistake Stephen for being gay.

But I win on both counts...a great personal shopper, and a great husband ;P (Sorry Stephen---you can edit this blog later if you like...)

So I went to a party, Stephen went to a different party, and who got blasted? Yup...but I managed to bike home from the station, and not remember the rest of the night. Stephen on the other hand drank responsibly and had a very good time.

Work's going well...I've started answering customer calls, and accidently disconnecting them instead of transferring...

I'm meeting more and more serious office people than I could ever dream of...and I don't dream of that.

Done the laundry, cooked a ratatouille, and hopefully will work on some theatre stuff. Tomorrow my plan is to wake at 7, go for a quick jog, shower, tame my hair (if possible), eat breakies, work, come home and crash.

Hope you all had a spooky one.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:35 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 31 October 2005 8:54 PM GMT
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Saturday, 29 October 2005
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Company Flow - Funcrusher Plus
Topic: Stephen Says
Rightie ho, here is some more gratuitous pointless blogging:

Elisabeth has just blown out of the house because she's late for a hair consultation and hasn't eaten her pancakes. Tut tut.

Today's going to be very hectic - She's off to Guildford this afternoon to pick up some proper, office related clothes, followed by a birthday/Halloween party in a pub.

Me? Well now that I'm no longer in posession of a housewife, I've got to roll up my sleeves and start doing some laundry & shopping today before I head off to Wimbledon for my own Halloween party.

Work has gotten quite busy after a few quiet & boring weeks but at the same time, I'm more experienced than I was when I started and it's very nice to be able to actually fix people's peoblems instead of delegate them to other people.

For Halloween, the residence will be blowing up the back lawn with fireworks and then I'm going to see Woking's yearly metal concert with a few of the younger guys. It's the same band, etc from last year. I don't know if y'all remember all that. It's the thing that involves saving children who's skin fall off.

Then on Tursday I've got to go into London for more of this NVQ3 stuff. I checked out what we're going to be covering and part of the day will be explaining just what the hell an NVQ3 is.

Oh, and my supervisor has given s a CD re-writer but it doesn't have any cords or wires. Anyone (Sean) know what wires I need to buy???

Nothing else is going on but I should stop doing this and get a move on.

I'm Blogcrastinating.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:10 AM BST
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Thursday, 27 October 2005
Forceable Entry
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I'm forcing myself to blog, as I'm a bit unfocused, but still want to try and keep up the posts even when I don't really feel like it.

"That's never a good reason to blog" someone is probably thinking. But who cares!

Stephen is sleeping-in tonight at work. So I'm all on my lonesome. He did stock the fridge before goin, and left a bottle of wine, bless him.

It turns out we've been scammed on our NTL Broadband deal...and I'll try and sort that out tomorrow. They said 9.99 for the first year, but have charge us over twice as much. Sacrilege!

Today was a good day at work...started making calls, putting more orders on, filing, sending out samples, and sending out invoices. Nothing to blink an eye at. The best part is I started at 9, had a good 30 min. lunch with Andy & another bloke, then worked until 4:45, and was told to go home.

We've been invited to the Xmas do on the 16th Dec, so that should be fun. Rumour is everyone gets blasted, as it should be.

Tomorrow morning I'll meet with HR to sort out payment, contracts...then it's one of the sales team lady's birthday so we'll go for lunch at a pub all together...yay! Oh...and Fridays are dress casual, and everyone usually leaves at 4:30. I can hardly believe this! It was not strange for people to stay until 6 or 8pm on a friday at my last job. I admit to having stayed until 7pm on a couple of occasions. But no more!

Also, now with a bit o' money, I'm going to finally take care of some beauty things...starting with a hair consultation to pick a new cut.

Tomorrow's Friday, so I wish you all a good one, and hope you partay it up this Halloween weekend.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:51 PM BST
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Wednesday, 26 October 2005
First Day is Over!
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries


I got home to find I'd been set up for 2 interviews which I've now had to cancel. But I feel confident I've made a good choice of employment.

My supervisor, Andy, met me at 9am and then we had tea and chatted in the canteen for about 1/2 hour. Tea is free! Coffee is not... I was introduced to the team, my desk, and the layout of the office, labratory & warehouse. I tried really hard to remember everyone's name, and tomorrow will be the real test.

I was introduced to the products: cleaners, protectors, flushing systems, leak repairs, water conditioner, limescale removers, solder, fluxes, jointing tapes, etc... all for plumbers to buy at merchant shops, so no individual sales. Therefore, everything is very methodical, and I started to put some orders onto their system.

Everyone was very friendly, so I was put well at ease. The lovely thing is that its a quiet atmosphere, and people generally start leaving around 4:30, so that after 5pm, there were only a few people left in the office. Yay!

A short walk home, and I had time for a run, cancelled interviews, reheated dinner stephen had premade, and am now searching websites for office clothing inspiration.

All in all, it doesn't seem real!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:07 PM BST
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Tuesday, 25 October 2005
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

9am tomorrow: Elisabeth goes back to work! i.e. no more blogging :(

-Company: Cooksons Electronics
-2004 profits of Cooksons: 3+ BILLION (not joking)
-Listed on the FTSE 250
-Post: Sales-Coordinator
-Contract is temp. 4 months, with liklihood of permanent contract.
-Salary: More than my last job ;)
-Commuting time: 5 min. on bicyce/15 min. walk in heels
-In-house subsidized canteen.
-Job Description: to come tomorrow...


Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:25 PM BST
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Monday, 24 October 2005
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: PJ HARVEY
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Dizzy , dizzy... I am really excited right now after my interview, b/c I really would like to get this job, and I might be starting on Thurs.!! But I shouldn't be excited until it actually stay tuned. In the meantime, read a rare-blog entry by Stephen below!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:17 PM BST
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Just Stuff
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
It's very strange how, with E unemployed and me working, the blogging duites have been reversed. Ah well, my life the last few weeks has been pretty quiet as I just work, work, work.

That said, it's going very well and I'm pretty on the ball with it all. I've been taking care of things, organizing events, just a few things to take care of this week and then I'll be totally caught up and then I get a call yesterday and it turns out that my manager will be going over to another project for a few months and in all liklihood, I'll be getting this temporary promotion. Which will mean that my work-load will be trebled and I will be working some of the mad hours that I was working back when I started when we were totally understaffed.

Of course, there is a rumoured pay rise but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I don't know, other things? I went to see a soccer match at the local stadium (Again, work related) and I have to apologize to all our guests who have been to visit us that we never took you to one. Tres entertaining and a good laugh that'll only cost you 10 pounds. D'oh!

Um, what else? I can't really remember what I've been doing.

I guess that the final note of interest (Again work related because I no longer have a life separate fro those of the residents) is that I've been confirmed in post, which pretty much means that it's going to be very hard for me to lose my job. As a 'congratulations' for this, I was invited to sit in on an area meeting with all the managers of all the residences in this area and our area manager. After 3 hours, I was ready to stab my pen into my leg just for a taste of what life is like. By the time the meeting ended, after 5 hours of bickering, digressions, cigarette & coffee (tea) breaks, I wasn't able to string 2 words together.

And that's about it. I will be the representative for Together at the Woking Mental Health Fair at the H.G. Wells Centre coming up on November 16th so if you're interested & in the area, why don't you stop by.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:43 AM BST
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