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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 5 August 2006
Stuff, stuff, stuff
Now Playing: Elisabeth upstairs on the piano
Topic: Stephen Says
Stepen and Elisabeth are now debt-free. In a bizarre stroke of maturity, we eschewed Pride in Brighton with some of my co-workers (And the standard apocalyptic drinking session that would inevitably ensue) in favour of paying off my student loan, investing a couple of thousand pounds(!) in ISA's (the UK equivilent of RRSP's) and going out for a coffee & bagel where an old lady beat Elisabeth with her cane for not getting out of her way (Evidently, it was preferable in this ladys mind to beat a stranger with a stick then deign to ask them politely to get out of her way, please.)

Anyway, after realizing that our mission to be more productive & travel Britain & Europe more was in danger of falling apart and that we would spend another weekend in Woking, we hastily made plans to take off for Cambridge tomorrow to go punting on the Cam. How terribly posh, don't you think?

And then we went to the pub to read the paper where I've officially been turned off by The Guardian and its smug faux-liberal new Labour bourgeois smarmyness. I imagine The Independent on Sunday will re-new my faith in the UK press tomorrow.

Although, are you allowed to go punting on the Cam with anything more liberal than the Telegraph tucked under your arm? I don't want to be chased through Kings College by a bunch of easily offened toffs...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:13 PM BST
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Friday, 4 August 2006
Forever Changes
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Love - Forever Changer
Topic: Stephen Says
Yes, we're listening to one of the greatest albums of all time to celebrate the passing of Arthur Lee who died today. C'mon everyone, feel the Love.

It's been a hell of a 48 hours and thank God this weekend has arrived and I've got 2 days off. Sadly, Brighton's pretty much off the cards and I tried to get us tickets to see Patrick Swayze do Guys & Dolls but that was sold out so now I'm left with some nice ros-eh and a (probably) weekend out to, um, er... Bristol? We'll see at any rate - I've got plans.
I think.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:21 PM BST
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R.I.P. Arthur Lee

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:35 PM BST
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Tuesday, 1 August 2006
Random, general update with some pictures
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Stephen Says
Ok, ok, I haven't had anything to say in a while. I've been tired, it's been hot, there's nothing going on. We're off to Brighton this weekend for Pride so that should offer a wee bit of excitement.

The Independent on Sunday had a special feature on Brighton Beach this Sunday where they wrote, in the typical elitist we're the best, British way that Brighton Beach gets trashed every night with broken bottles, cans, drunks & drug addicts, people get robbed, into fights and have alot of random sex. And the next day it gets cleaned up so people can do it all again. Isn't that great?!

Where as in another country, the article would have focused on, I don't know, the fact that people care so little for their local environment that they trash it every single night.

Anyway, should be interesting.

I don't know, I have a nasty suspicion that I've adjusted to living in England as I don't have any prtty gripes about all the random stupidities that I witness on a daily basis. Maybe I'll start carrying a journal. With nothing to bitch about, there's nothing to blog about.

I know it's a bit late, but this muddy picture shows what I came home to on Thursday as a result of our Wednesday night out:

At least I'm not the only one who's getting too ld to party...
(That said, E's making a point to do a hell of a lot more than me and seems to be seeing an awful lot of theatre & music in London so go figure...)

The following is a pointless pic to post. Not all of you may know about our super-awesome calander that features animals made out of food. Well, last night I tried my hand at it. This is a bunny rabbit made out of tofu bruger. Yum!:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:08 PM BST
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Sunday, 30 July 2006
In Need of Rest
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I kissed Stephen goodbye as he left for work this morning (his 7th day in a row) and then he started cursing in the hallway. He had forgotten to wear shoes.

Poor sod.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:30 AM BST
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Saturday, 29 July 2006
Stuff I like
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Motorhead - No Remorse
Topic: Stephen Says
This is the kind of thing that i've been rambelling on about for ages in my less lucid moments. Thank goodness someone else knows about the oldest calander in the world, the end of time and has the budget to tell the world about it. Except that I've always that the end of the world was going to be on February 12th, not December 21st.

Anyway, work work work, busy busy busy. I didn't et to bed 'till after 2 and i'll blog properly eventually. Promise. In a few beers time, E&I are off to L'Aroma for dinner.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:03 PM BST
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Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Jolie Holland
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So where did the week go eh?

Our account of time passing so fast can be blamed on boozing/dancing/chatting until 3am on Wed. night with Stephen's co-workers, some of whom ended up crashing at our place, only to find themselves being woken up at 7am so I could get to work. What a fun day at work that was...many of you have been there I'm sure. In bed by 8:30pm.

And then today, Stephen's doing a sleep-in, so I went to London to see a play. I ended up going to see Jane Eyre at the Trafalgar Studio, and who sits next to me but a mid-40s lady from Quebec who's been in France/England on holiday with her daughter (who wasn't there) but who lives in California. Out of the whole auditorium...what can I say? The show was excellent I have to say. I cried a few times, because the lead actress, Monica Dolan gave such a powerful performance. It was also strikingly insightful writing, which is why I guess Jane Eyre is lauded as a great work of fiction. But really, how often can you see in a West End theatre a play written, adapted, directed, and starring women? And for it to be very moving and challenging? Which I suppose is kind of the point of the story.

Anyway, I'm rambling on now... Tomorrow is chore day. I've got to deposit a certain cheque, which will be quite exciting. Stephen's working all weekend so it's kind of a write-off from here. All the bugs are getting in the flat...later.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:41 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 29 July 2006 12:41 AM BST
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Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Ding dong ding dong!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Congratulations to Catherine Allin (Stephen's sister) who's just become engaged to be married!

Hip hip hurray!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:34 PM BST
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Sunday, 23 July 2006
Beach Bums
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Jolie Holland -Springtime Can Kill You
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We're back from the beach-and I am very red and salty!

It began and ended with pleasant, quick train trips, with a lot of sand, sun and water in-between.

On Friday night we had a late dinner with Stephen's grandmother, chatted, and crashed into bed.

Saturday we had a leisurely breakfast, did some jigsaw, and then set out to the beach. The weather was much cooler than in Woking, so we were quite content. There is really only one direction to walk on this beach, and inevitably you end up in the Haven Inn pub. It has managaged not to for weeks, but 5 min. away from the pub it rained. And not just a sprinkle. A thunderstorm and an almighty downpour caught us out, and we arrived at the pub soaked right through. The beer seemed to taste better for it. Among a similiarly wet crowd in the pub, we waited the 2 hours for the weather to clear, and had a very nice time.

Once back at Stephen's grandmother's we watched some golf, had "tea" (which included chocolates & cakes), looked at photos, did more jigsaw, and eventually got dinner on. Afterwards we watched Billy Elliot until it put us to sleep.

Sunday morning Stephen's uncle collected us and very kindly took us out on their motor boat along the Solent the solent. We hugged the coast of the Isle of Wight and then got pulled behind the boat in a circular inflatable raft. Quite a lot of fun...I screamed a lot and think I've pulled a few muscles.

We then had a relaxing barbeque at his aunt & uncles, which was capped off by strawberries and ice cream. Yum. It really felt like summer in England!

Here's some pix:

Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Stephen, the Canadian at Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Elisabeth, the wife at Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Some wedding guests on their way to Highcliffe castle, who's entrance accumulated almost as much water as we did:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:46 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 23 July 2006 9:47 PM BST
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Thursday, 20 July 2006
Lovely Hot
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen's just finished doing the dishes while I'm drinking beer. Ain't married life grand?

It's hot, but wonderful. Except for the brown grass of course.

This weekend we'll be heading down to the Dorset coast (south England) to visit Stephen's grandmother/nain.

I'm reading a book recommended by my aunt called The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. He and some others run a house in Philidelphia with the goal of living Christianity, not just believing it. You know, following the teachings of Jesus and caring for the less fortunate, restoring abandonded and desolate parts of the city,.etc... Their website is:

Click for Jesus

I'm finding the whole thing a bit heavy handed in that it's soooo up on The Way, and the wonderful apostles that they've become. And not so much on being members of the world. On the other hand, it is challenging and motivating in regards to becoming active in helping others.

And it makes me want to learn about how other religions approach community and consumerism.

No more comments until I have finished reading it.

In other news, it's pretty chilled out in Woking town. Considering going to Dublin in 2 weeks for the weekend. Rail & sail all the way, babee

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:17 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 7:19 PM BST
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