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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Well, we're back from Wales
Topic: Stephen Says
And it was an interesting little raod trip. 700+ miles in 3 days is the kind on thing that Elisabeth's probably not going to do again. Seeing as she's got the day off and may or may not blog about it, here's our playlist from the trip:

-The Pipettes - We Are The Pipettes
-New Prrnographers - Mass Romantic
-White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan (1/2)
-Endtroducing DJ Shadow (Some)
-Tainted Love (song)
-Rough Trade Indypop vol. 1 disk 2
-Beirut - Gulag Orkesta & The Lon Gisland EP
-Jolie Holland - Springtime can Kill You
-Chemical Brothers - Come With Us
-Cat Power - Moon Pix
-Of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins
-Lily Allen - Alright, Still
-Rough Trade Indypop vol. 1 disk 1
-Tim Westberg's December Wintry Mix
-Rough Trade Indypop vol. 1 disk 2 (again)
-Anumal Collective - Sung Tongs
-Neko Case - Blacklisted
-Tricky - Blowback
-Fabric 17: Akufen
-and BBC1 all the way home.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:04 PM BST
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Friday, 6 April 2007
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

The man is another year older today, and where else should we celebrate but Wales' capital city, Cardiff (or Caerdydd). And probably spending most of the day stuck on the motorway...but's a journey, even in a traffic jam.

My driving is a bit rusty, but we'll make it in the end.

A lovely weekend to all.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:07 AM BST
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Thursday, 5 April 2007
We're off to Wales
Now Playing: Animal Collective - Feels
Topic: Stephen Says
If y'all are missing us, please check out Louis Theroux's Most Hated Family in America. It makes religious bigots look like religious bigots x 1,000,000 in a sad and angry and fascinating way. You can see it on YouTube if you care enough and save your rants for this space. It's awful enough that I'm not going to both posting a link because... is it really worth it?


Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:23 PM BST
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Tuesday, 3 April 2007
I don't know if anyone other than myself actually cares about things like these but...
Topic: Stephen Says
I read an interesting article about anti-intellectualism in Hollywood entertainment.

And the coolest thing of all? The good folks at Chud are making a movie about my mostest favoritest video game ever!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:10 AM BST
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Monday, 2 April 2007
Hangover alert!
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So it's all happenin'...Stephen's handed in his resigation, I've given my verbal resignation, plane tickets booked, piano advertised for sale, and I'm thinking ahead to life back in Canada. I look forward to a change of pace and spending more time in the performing arts. Nevermind being able to live in a city again...

However, it's not back to student-style living for me. I took a trip down memory lane on Sat. night, and got absoluetly falling-down drunk..and did not remember falling down. Stephen's co-worker had a musical-inspired costume party to break in her new flat in Greenwich. Some pix:

There was a mean punch, which I had way too much of, so by the time we left, I was walking/puking/passing out.

I did not feel good the next day, and only when I got home did I discover I had lost my glasses. Shock! Hangover-horrer!

Luckily they were in the bearded blokes' car & he dropped them of 15 min. before I had to be at work.

Today's been rough to say the least--2 day hangover. oh boy. No student life for me... it's just stupid. Poisonous. But fun...

I got home, and my ever-surprising husband had made stuffed artichokees & cheesy bubble & squeak...almost all of it organic.

This weekend we're renting a car (now that my glasses have been found ) and are going to drive around Wales for a couple of days. Did we already mention this...I'm not the most alert right now...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:14 PM BST
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Saturday, 31 March 2007
Paying off your credit card in England
Now Playing: Of Montreal - Hissing fauna are you the destroyer?
Topic: Stephen Says
The Background: I intend to pay off the 480 pounds on my credit card at Barclays. After standing in line (And jostled by a bizarre German lady) for 5 minutes, I approach the teller:

Me: I'd like to pay off my Visa.
She: No you have any picture ID?
Me: No.
She: None at all?
Me: No. I don't have a drivers license.
She: Do you at least know your PIN number?
Me: Of course.
She: Then I recommend you withdraw the money from your account from a machine, queue up again and pay it off that way.
Me: (Confused look)
She: Without any picture ID I can't let you transfer that much money onto your credit card.
Me: Well how much can I tansfer?
She: Three hundred pounds.
Me: What's stopping me from getting back in line and then just paying off the rest?
She: I'm sorry sir but you can't do that.

And then I stormed off in a huff.
Only 2 more months of putting up with this kind of bullshit.

I also put in my resignation yesterday, which is singularly depressing.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:52 PM BST
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Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Holy shit...
...At 8:45PM on Saturday the 9th of June, Stephen and Elisabeth will be living in Toronto.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:08 PM BST
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Monday, 26 March 2007
Just a quickie...
Now Playing: Isis - Oceanic
Topic: Stephen Says
Just want to say what a lovely day E&I had with Stephen & Laura on their whirlwhind tour of Europe. We got down to Robertsbridge (The maternal home of the Westberg brood) and grabbed a quick pint, trekked through the backwoods of Sussex to Bodium Castle and then down to Rye for a chilly walk along the 'coast,' swanky meal and then back to Woking where they've now left us for Sweden.

It was great seeing Ye Olde England yesterday. Certainly creates a dichotomy between it and Woking; one of whose high streets is currently shut down by police cruisers because there's human blood all over the place.

(And I, being the brainiac that I am, walked through it and got shouted at.)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:59 PM BST
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Topic: Stephen Says

I really should have been following the elections in Quebec and now it's too damn late. My God, people are stupid.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:07 AM BST
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Saturday, 24 March 2007
Now Playing: Isis - Oceanic
Topic: Stephen Says
As any long-time reader of this blog would know, our time in England hasn't all been shits and giggles. However, in the grand scheme of things, I don't regret anything that's happened, since we've always managed to recover and come out all the better for it.

Yesterday though, marks my biggest missed opportunity so far and I fear I'll live to regret it.

Woking, being the most environmentally friendly town in England is hosting a special re-release of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in the cinema. It's being preceded by another envirnomentally-minded short film spearheaded by none other than old Big Ears himself, Bonny Prince Charlie, who was in town yesterday to open the event.

As it turns out, the manager at work got an invitation to attend this gala event but wasn't interested at first and then lost the invitation (That I was intending to steal or photocopy or whatever to try and get in.) In any case, I was lazy and didn't get around to thinking about it until one of our service users called us to say that she'd just met the Man Who Would be King, shook his hand and he made the astounding observation to her(As she emerged from the mall): "Been doing a little shopping?"

*Sigh* That could have been me. What will probably be my only opportunity to meet royalty was squandered because I chose to got to work and play boules in the basement hallway.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:17 AM BST
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