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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 28 July 2005
Yeah, yeah, I know. too much blogging spoils the pudding
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Husker Du is still going on
Topic: Blogs with photos
Sweden trip pictures.
Enter at your own risk.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:02 PM BST
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Monday, 6 June 2005
Ominous stuff
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Why, it's THE ARCHERS! on BBC radio 4
Topic: Blogs with photos
The weather is ominous today. The grey skies plus low ceiling thing is going on and it’s grey and dreary, neither hot or cold, damp or dry and the wind exists only as a nervous rustle. Two years ago I would have assumed the corresponding rain storm was imminent but now that I’m older & wiser, I know that it’s just going to stay this way all day and maybe the next. Maybe all week. Maybe. And maybe it’ll rain but maybe it won’t. Maybe if it does rain, maybe it’ll be a shower or maybe it’ll be a bit heavier. And maybe it’ll last a few minutes or maybe it’ll last all day. Maybe. Like I said before; ominous.

Elisabeth will be pissed off that I’ve bumped her most recent entry down a notch so please read it after this or, if you really want to support her, stop reading this entry and read hers. Now.

Back again? Good. Tomorrow’s going to be my last double (13 hour) shift for a while (It’ll most likely be about a week before I forget how tiring these shifts are & I go back to doing them all over again) and them I’m off to Basingstoke for a couple of days for some training on the core values necessary in my line of work. Like Don’t knock people to the ground and laugh as you urinate on them and Do not employ the ‘one for you/ one for me’ method of distributing medication. Anyway, all the overtime is going to feel quite good when it comes to my ay cheque and there’s a couple of hundred extra quid on it. The shitty thing is that, with only 1 weekend off every two weeks, I don’t have a life any more.

We’re planning out what we’re going to be doing this weekend for our anniversary – Swanky hotel in London? Check. Now we’ve just got to figure out if we’re going to blow the rest of our wad of cash on food, theatre or music. Mon Dieu, the trials & tribulations!

Oh, and here's a treat since we've been skimping on the picture front:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:07 PM BST
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Sunday, 1 May 2005
Guess who's back?
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: The Russian celebration of Orthodox Easter coming live from Moscow
Topic: Blogs with photos

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:22 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2005 7:41 AM BST
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Can't think of a title today
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Blogs with photos
Okay, first things first: I've been meaning to post this link that Sean sent me. It gives a pretty good overview of how Royal Holloway sucked. There are more specific things, of course, but this is a good summary without any ranting on my part. Like I'm trying not to start doing right now, sort of.

Today's public service announcement:

Elisabeth took the day off yesterday after twisting her ankle from walking a tad too much in her heels. We'd been to the south for my Nain's birthday and it looks like her shoes needed to be broken in a little bit more. >sigh< The trials & tribulations of being a modern-day fashion icon. Typically frustrating stuff where a bum ankle means you can't get to work because you don't have a car. All her walking was right out and what's the deal with bad ankles & biking? Is it good or bad for them? Better safe than sorry, we thought! So we stayed home and watched North by Northwest.

Other than that, there's nothing else going on! Boo. We're penny pinching because Elisabeth lost 40% of her bonus to taxes (Boo.) and we want to have lots of cash on hand for gay Paris in two weeks (Yay.). I'm looking forward to spending that Micky Mouse currency popularily known as the "Euro" on such things as fromage, vin et une belle, belle baguette sur la rive nord de la Seinne. Oh la la, je devrais practiqer mon Francais! C'est tellement terrible!

Ce soir, nous mangeons du pizza et (j'espaire) on va regarder Rocky; un film que I've been dying to see pour plus de un an! J'espaire que Elisabeth va l'aimer.

Tabarnak! My spelling's terrible!

A couple of weeks ago while visiting Guildford, I tried to follow Alice through the looking glass:

But I found myself still in Guildford with a sore nose.

Elisabeth had a bit more luck with the looking glass trick and found herself in hell:

Oops, no, not hell - that's our entrance hall. Still, it was a neat trick.

Right, Elisabeth's going to be home soon; I've got to get my pizzas made.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:47 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 11:55 AM GMT
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