On the Harry Potter Set pt.2

These pictures have less to do with Harry Potter and more to do with Windsor Great Park.

Virginia Water

This is a view of Virginia Water. There's a 4.5 mile path round the lake and yes, Harry potter is being filmed here. If you look carefully, you can see ducks washing themselves. Elisabeth's watching out for a squirrel up an oak tree that was throwing acorns at us.

Look! We're back in Canada!

The two of us stumbled upon this massive thing. It was "donated" to the queen a couple of hundred years ago (read: stolen) by west coast Indians. The thing's massive and weighs 21 tons. Rumour has it that it served s a spare mast when the ship carrying it brought it across the Atlantic. It's also straight. The elbow in the picture is my fault because I did a bad job stitching them together and don't feel like re-doing it.
Update! Elisabeth now tells me that I'm stupid. It was donated in 1957. Uh... So disregard everything I wrote earlier.

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