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My Apartment in Södra Förstadsgatan, Malmö

My bedroom with a king-sized bed!! (really 2 twin beds pushed together) Bedroom The view of the courtyard (and other apartments!) from my bedroom window (and also the kitchen) Courtyard
The living room - with all the various tiny lights and no single BRIGHT light.... Living Room Plants galore in the living room windows alcove Plants
View of the busy Södra Förstadsgatan from the living room - I Street Left View of the busy Södra Förstadsgatan from the living room - II. Okie.... I picked a quiet day! Street Right
The dining room with the designer table - interesting design. Would be lovely to have a copy of it back home Dining The kitchen - needs volunteers to function as cooks... Kitchen
A better look at the porslin blomman (porcelain flower) plant in the living room
Porslin Blomman
Lovely flowers in bloom... wonder why the term porslin...
Yet another cluster of the porslin blomman
Another cluster
Janzon and the plant Janzon

Links to other pics for the insatiable few...

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Copyright 2003 - Low Si Hua