is 4 sleeping pills too many?
so... not much to say 2day... i keep typing things then backspacing...
hmmm.. so yea. metallica's old music is pretty cool.. i really hate
when people tell u to do things and they seem like really stupid things
and then the worst part is when they don't give u a reason. I've been
moody recently for not really any reason. I miss the ocean. very very
badly! i miss other things too. i miss freedom, i miss constant fun, i
miss being able to do whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. Don't get me
wrong i still have fun. Just not as often. Just not freely. i hope
this isn't making any sense at all. sooo is 4 sleeping pills too many?
gotta get up early though. for reasons i will not state. so do not ask.
CRITICAL!! there is a critical person watching over my shoulder all the
time complaining and ect. asking about every little thing i do... hmm..
trying to understand this CSS crap on my friends site to help him out.
i'm feeling stupid ooo i'm feeling stupid... like my singing? good thing
no one reads this crap. they'd probably die of boredum... boredum o
boredum o why do u make me so bored??? oook gotta sleep now. yay i
learned more html and css today! bye ty for coming.