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Other places on the South Island

Blessed boardwalks

Easy walkin' on de boardwalks! The Milford had loads of these. Not so on many other tracks. Note the use of copious amounts of chickenwire, to prevent slipping.

A section of the Heaphy track, along the Northwest coast of the South Island. Thanks to Doug Self for recommending this little hike! Classic West Coast bush here.


At over 10 km. long, Okarito Lagoon is a haven for birds, birds, birds. The open ocean is about 1/2 mile away, but you'd never know it here. It's a place to see NZ tallest trees (up to 60 meters) and a quiet oasis for white herons and other incredible avian types (e.g. sandflies) Also recommended by Doug. Thanks mate--you were right on! Sweet as, indeed.

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