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Ben's Slot Cars Web
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Welcome to my slot cars web. 

This is my first ever website that I have created so I'm still learning lots   
 of what to do and what it's all about.

Well my name is Ben hence the title of my site I'm 23 and live in Tasmania which is a state of Australia.

I have had my Scalextric set since I was around 12 and have always enjoyed slot car racing but have never had the room to keep the track together but since my parents have renovated the house I have now got the room and have got a permanent spot to put it.

I am currently redoing my slot car track and having a go at modeling some scenery it is no where near finished yet but I have taken some pics to show how things are going.  Once I have finished the track I have a more detailed explanation of what I did and how I went about it to hopefully help out some budding track modelers (there is not many of us around by the looks)

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