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The Catch ©Steve Chong

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The Catch

Camera: Canon EOS/1V
Lens: Tamron SP24-135mm
Film: ASA100
Aperture: F5.6
Shutter: 1/15s
Filter: Polarizing Filter
Light: Natural Light from window
The lock for criminals dated hundreds of years ago in China inspired me to do this shot. The lock was made in such a way that 3 holes were cut open on a board with only the head and hands could pass through. Chains were used later to secure the board. It was strong and effective but cumbersome. Rather inhumane though.
Anyway this is how I set up the shot.

1 - I bought a soft board measured 2'x10' from the carpenter. I cut two holes about 3 inches in diameter on the left and right.

2 - Then I sprayed the board with paint.

3 - For the background I sprayed paint on a piece of cloth arbitrary. The uneveness of the paint would create a very nice and dramatic background.

4 - Then I talk to my two little models. When I explained to the boy and girl how actually I wanted to shoot their hands they couldn't help but laughed so loud. These two enthusiastic kids, who have been watching me preparing the sets, were rather curious as what crazy idea I was trying to pull this time. Needless to say they asked countless questions.

5 - Seems to me they were more than delighted to participate. I asked is it "okay"; to paint their hands white? They complied without second thought. You probably would guess how restless they were when the painting process took place.

6 - While waiting for the paint to dry, I set up the board high enough for the two kids to stay beneath it.

7 - I poke a pin size hole on the ping-pong and stuck a black string in it. To conceal the string black was a logical choice. However, for optimum result it is best achieve with Hollywood blue screen technology.

1 - I asked the kids to stick their hand out and pose like what you have seen on picture.

2 - Then I tied the string on a cross bar.

3 - The ball was positioned just above the hand. Much like the boy was about to catch it. Gooosh! Was so hard to ask the boy and girl to hold still and at the same time waiting for the ball to settle!!

After numerous attempts, I finally got this shot.

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