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I have a few items I want to add to this area of the website that I believe need to be looked into. I will make every effort to make sure the FBI or FDLE will learn about these things for their investigations.

Everyone is aware now of how fast Clark moved up within the FDOC, but no one has said anything yet about how fast his wife and the wives of his "goons" have moved up and also about the fact that his son was hired at ACI just a few weeks after graduating high school a couple of months ago, in a position that was sought by many, more qualified individuals. From what I hear, many were upset about this fact, but no one was apparently foolish enough to file a grievance for fear of retaliation.

Also, it was obviously a well known thing last year (since I heard it from a number of employees) that in preparation for his Halloween Party, Clark had his girls in the office shop for the Halloween party all day long for about 2 weeks prior to the party, in his limo of course. Apparently prison workers were pulled from other areas to cover the offices while the preparations were done.

My questions are 1) Did they use annual leave on these days? 2) Where did the money go that was made on this party? I was told each institution had to pay about $1,000 and they expected about 2,000 people there (at $5.00 a head), so there should be a lot of money in the employee's club fund. 3) If not, where did it go?

As far as the Halloween party I was told it was held at Mr. Clark's state house last Halloween. I believe the blue wave was his old house in region 2. If they brought in the money that clearly adds up here, seems like they made a pretty good profit. I don't know what they spent it on as I've been told nothing has been spent for the employees.

I would like to know just how much they have left in the account. I heard some money went towards Clarks' big tires and wheels that are on his jeep, the stage at his house and stereo equipment that now belongs to him. Again, this is rumor but so much of these "rumors" have been proven to be true. These are things that need to be checked out.

I've been told that there was only one employee club meeting last year and it was held right after the Halloween party. It seems strange to some that none of the officers of the employees club could tell the members how much money was made from that event, although a detailed report was promised for the next meeting - which never happened. As far as I can find out, I don't think there's been any more meetings since. Almost a whole year has passed... That should throw off a red flag for any investigator.

I was also informed that no one voted  on any expenditures, which is apparently a clearly stated obligation in the rules.


I'm getting numerous reports that there is an awful lot of intimidation going on around ACI right now. People are apparently still being threatened with losing their jobs if anyone is heard talking.

Everyone I talk to is hoping to eventually have a nice place to work and not have to worry about the "goons". Something should have been done about this a long time ago, but Clark was reportedly completely protected by the big boss, Crosby, and all of the newspaper articles I've read clearly indicate that. The problems don't stop at Clark or his inner circle from what I've been told by a number of FDOC personnel.

It's a known fact that employees were expected to practice softball during working hours and do strength training. QUESTION: Did they also dock annual leave? Two hours a day, 5 days a week can really add up. 

QUESTION: Is it true that the FDOC hired an ex-pro baseball player in an OPS position at ACI and paid him a salary? Yes, yet this individual never stepped foot on the compound...BUT he did play on Clark's softball team.  That's not a secret at ACI.

I've been given many first hand accounts of how the intimidation factor has ruled the last year at ACI. From what I'm told, many employees throughout the region are hoping the bad apples are taken out soon. Something has to be done. "The whole house is a mess and is in desperate need of some SERIOUS house cleaning.

Even though Clark is gone, too many of his circle remain for anyone to feel comfortable. If any reader has further information, please contact me, Kay Lee Thank you.