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By R. Mark Shepard

(Chapter 8)

The Security Department has not been without their share of problems with bad decisions by the Captains and the Higher-Up's.

Once a Violent and out of control Inmate was placed in the Medical Ward of the prison which was called the SOS cell, (for violent and suicidal inmates). This inmate was not there just because he wanted to Kill himself, but because he was accused of something that he didn't do (say's he) and he didn't think that was fair, so he was trying to pick a fight with the colonel and several other Officers.

The SOS Cell is an 8 foot by 8 foot cell with nothing but 4 walls and a door, with that same ¾ inch lexan window. The inmate was on a 15 minute watch, with a Correctional Officer sitting outside of the cell documenting the inmate's every move.

All day this inmate was calm and serene, talking to himself and pacing about his cell, undoubtedly thinking of ways to get out.

When the evening shift arrived, the poor lonely inmate, who had nothing but a canvas wrap around his body, asked this Particular Captain if he would, PLEASE 'gives' him a bed to sleep in because he was cold, and he was sorry if he caused any Problems and he had seen the error of his ways. Feeling bad for the poor inmate, the Captain complied with the inmate’s request, and gave him a nice Metal Hospital Bed.

The Night went by with no problems, and the morning too was calm. Until around Lunch time, which is when you-know-what hit the fan. This poor neglected inmate had spent all night long taking apart the retractable side rails of the old hospital bed. (I guess the night shift officer was also quiet and calm, and didn't see this). The call came across the radio, '10-24 (officer down)' in the Medical department.

When the inmate had finally gotten the side rail all of the way off, he kept beating it against the ¾ lexan window, and broke through it enough to where he could climb through the window,  He then started breaking all of the glass windows in the Medical Department.

The Colonel, Captains and many officers ran to the Medical Department to assist the officer in trouble. The Captain had brought a Large canister of Mace with him, and with one shot of the Magnum canister of Mace, the inmate was through being Violent. This can has so much power that it will leave you standing alone in severe pain, or in his case, laying, crying in a pool of tears along with 3 other officers that the Captain had accidentally sprayed. Many officers, including myself, had to go home and shower, change uniforms and report back to work.

Nothing ever happened to the big hearted Captain who gave This inmate a bed, I'm not sure why, seeing this was one of the Biggest violations of Procedure any officer could possibly do. But the Politics inside the prison are just as bad as the politics On the outside.


(Chapter 9)


Making The Walls Transparent