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Hired More Than Once?

Friday, March 04, 2005
"A lot happened in DC this week. Much "chatter" went on inside the fences of DC and most of what was said was true. Ocsar Shipley was escorted out of RMC in handcuffs and yelling at the top of his lungs "Tell your "man" (referring to AC Clark) that I am NOT going down alone."  Quite the dramatic exit for a CO Sergeant.

"Staff has been waiting for this to come to a "head" they just did not know who was going to take the hit for the Big Boys. Well, this week we know who was set up to be blammed for Management, again. See, even though these people are guilty as sin, its the Big Guys that we need to bust.  Hopefully, some sort of "deal" will be cut if they talk. But, as we know, politics will get in the way of arresting who is really responsible for the Steriod problem.  Maybe not, but more than likely." ~Signed, An officer who sees it all.

March 2, 2005

Hi Kay,

Oscar Shipley is the Sergeant who threatened my wife and I at a DC softball game in 1998… not a casual threat but viable threats that went on for over ½ hours.

I made a report and a DC investigator was assigned to the case. The investigation "got lost" and was put in the back of the files. I pressed hard all over the state with phone calls demanding that this investigation move forward.

The investigator (Investigator French) said at that time (8 months after the incident) that he couldn’t find any witnesses..…...(I guess he forgot my wife and I…… at least 40 others who overheard the serious threats) (Shipley was under my supervision at FSP and threats came after I was transferred to CFRC in Orlando).

Shipley is also the idiot who was in an FSP Guard Tower in 1996… He filled a plastic garbage bag with water and dropped the bag from the tower window onto the windshield of a roving patrol officer’s truck……breaking the window and throwing glass into the other officer’s face. I had only been at FSP just a few days when this happened.

I was immediately advised that Shipley was the son of a “big shot buddy of Crosby ” and could I do something to go light on him. Shipley paid for the window at my insistence and no discipline was processed.

Shipley, still at FSP in 1997, struck a handcuffed inmate on the back of the head with his fist as the inmate was being led to the investigator’s office by another Sergeant. The Sergeant filed charges against Shipley, but Shipley got 10 sworn statements from other officers who were not even at the scene attesting to Shipley’s innocence.

This guy Shipley had a bad reputation as an inmate abuser so I moved him from the main FSP unit to the “O” unit and put him inside the control room where he couldn’t have access to inmates. CROSBY CAME ALONG AS HE SUCCEEDED ME AT FSP AND PROMOTED SHIPLEY TO SERGEANT…

It was as Sergeant that he threatened my wife and I.

I failed to mention that Shipley was FIRED at Glades Correctional Institution before ever coming to FSP….he arrived at FSP in 1996 and I am not certain when he was fired [from Glades] but feel it was on or about 1994 or 1995.

Shipley was apparently fired at Glades for (GET THIS) beating an inmate.  I was told when he was at FSP that the beating Shipley gave this inmate at Glades was severe. Shipley is 6 feet or more and weights 250 lbs of solid muscle (steroids really do build muscle while destroying the mind)

Mark my word……….his ** Osceola County Commissioner daddy and James V Crosby will get him out of this fix as they have before.

A large number of the new wardens, assistant wardens, others….even a regional director have gained tremendous amounts of muscle in the past three or four years……….This is but the tip of the iceberg.

Tell your readers that this comes from a retired prison warden.


"Before printing things on your online site you should get some facts. Ron Macdickhead has led you astray on his bashing attempts. I have never been fired from the Department. He used his political power and tried to get me in trouble before but was shot down like his career. I never worked at Glades Correctional. I have no family member who is a county commissioner and if you read the report on the inmate that is public record the inmate even said I didn't punch. Even after Macdickhead's several attempts to get the inmate to say I did."


By now everyone should know that I'll put up both sides if someone will just tell me the other side. I offered Mr. Shipley the chance but heard no more from him. I'll be glad to put your views up in defense of Mr. Shipley, although I'll have to double check because this appears to be from the same email address Mr. Shipley's mail came from.  I wasn't too impressed with Oscar's email referring to 'McDickhead' or whatever, but sometimes people do say things in anger that aren't professional or nice. I won't judge him based on that. Do you want to sign this so Mr. Shipley will know who his defender is? Kay Lee

Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:51 PM
Re: steriod dealer

Obviously alot of people are having a hard time getting the facts correct.  This is a fact and public record (check it out for yourself) Oscar Shipley was NOT carried out of RMC in handcuffs and yelling any statements referring to Alan Clarke. Oscar Shipley has never been fired and last time I checked his father is Oscar Shipley Sr. Also his father has never been elected to a public office.  That would include county commissioners also.  He also does not have 2 fathers, only the 1.  I believe that would exclude Mr. Crosby from being referred to being his father.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Shipley for many years now.  He is a loyal and devoted employee to the Dept. or Corrections and has been for many years now.  Anyone can make accusations and derrogatory statements about someone and most of the time the statements are false. I would like to say some good statements about someone instead of all the negativity we read on these websites. Oscar Shipley has more heart than most of us will ever experience in our lifetime. I am proud to say that I can call myself his friend.  There are alot of GOOD people in the Dept.Of Corrections.  There are also of people in the Dept.  who care.  Oscar Shipley is one of those people.  It takes a bigger and stronger person to see the good in people instead of the bad.  Anyone can say something bad about someone it does NOT mean anything.

The information I have on MTWT about Allen Clark Region 1 Dir. and some of his family and friends being busted comes from officers, lots of officers. I know I'm in the right ballpark (pun intended) with Crosby, AC Clark, Hodges, Shipley, Manning, Chambliss, the Raiford Mafia and all the ballplayers, because once I began to report on them, tons of stuff started coming in from employees all over the state. I don't know if you've looked at the Prison Drug Section onsite, but almost everything on all these related pages came from officers.

I haven't even put up all the stories about the (often) unsanctioned Alcohol Parties on state properties and the resulting drunk driving employees who endanger other people on the roads in prison towns. One of the party reports includes pictures and will be coming soon.

I have included another story on the Steroid situation readers might be interested in. Kay Lee

Prison officers face charges in in steroid ring
Sun staff writer
March 02. 2005

Two prison officers and two former officers at North Florida prisons face federal charges for distribution of steroids, court records show.

The Florida Department of Corrections placed Sgt. Oscar Shipley, 41, and Officer Michael Chambliss, 36, on administrative leave with pay after the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida announced their arrests Monday.

Also arrested were Clayton Manning, 37, and Marcus Hodges, 32. Both men had started with DOC in the 1990s but have since resigned.

The U.S. Attorney's Office would not elaborate on the case Tuesday except to confirm the men face federal drug charges involving an alleged steroid operation from May 2002 to May 2004 in Bradford, Clay and Union counties and Egypt.

Manning's ex-girlfriend Jennifer Hall, 29, also was arrested for obstruction of justice, prosecutors reported. Hall is accused of advising a witness to lie in May 2004 to investigators and a federal grand jury about an investigation into illegal steroid distribution.

*Shipley started with the department in 1993 and is a sergeant at the Reception and Medical Center in Union County, said DOC spokesman Sterling Ivey. Chambliss is a corrections officer at New River Correctional Institution in Bradford County and has been employed with the department since 2002.

Ivey said no decision will be made about their employment until the department receives more information about the case.

"We really haven't been provided a lot of information at this point about the circumstances other than names and charges," he said.

A department employee since 1992, Manning resigned from DOC in 1999 after working at Florida State Prison near Starke. Hodges submitted a brief resignation letter in May 2004. He started with the department in 1995 and had been an officer at New River.

If convicted as charged, Manning, Shipley and Hodges could face up to five years in prison. Both Chambliss and Hall could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Lise Fisher can be reached at (352) 374-5092 or

**I tried to link the Osceola County commissioners at but they are apparently not online at this time. Kay Lee


You might be interested that Marcus Hodges, Clayton Manning, Oscar Shipley and some officer by the name of Chamblass  who works at FSP got arrested yesterday Feb.28 by the FBI for steroid selling and distribution. I heard it was in the Gainsville Sun today, The talk is all over in the "iron triangle". Check out Lance's site under "inditments". All those arrested are AC Clark boys. Looks like the shit is fixing to hit the fan. Please don't use my e-mail address.


Thursday, March 17, 2005:  "This officer was Shipley, the one arrested!  He has been around the Department for about 15 years or so.  Don't really know much about him because even though he was assigned to RMC he was always on the road transporting inmates on the prison buses (bluebirds).  From rumor, he was not only transporting inmates all over the state, but drugs as well.  I can tell you that Capt Dean Ellis from FSP was just promoted to Major at Baker CI.  He is right in the middle of the steriod puzzle and real tight with the big boys.  For now, that is all I really know."

"There are alot of GOOD people that work for the Dept. of Corrections.  People that have the job because they DO care. Let's face it Incarceration is not a nice atmosphere for anyone weither you be the inmate or the employee.  Nothing is perfect in this world and yes not all employees are "good employees"   But I can speak for Oscar Shipley and he is a good person. 

Oscar has a huge heart and although he may not show it he has a tremendous amount of compassion for people. Anyone who know him will say if you ever need anything he would help no matter what time of the day or night he will be there for you.  Oscar family is the Florida Dept. of Corrections and he has strong feelings about this and I agree that is the way it should be.  Yes I am sure that there maybe some dishonest and bad people out there but Oscar Shipley is not one of them. Thanks again  :)

The Officer in question [Shipley] is now at RMC as a BlueBird Transport Sergeant. Real big guy, steriod user and a dirty rotten kind of guy.  Mean as hell.

"Yea, That would be the one!  DC has a funny way of hiring and firing - or is it the other way around?  I don't give a damn what his wife has to say.  He is guilty as sin and lets just hope he gets mad enough to tell on the big guys and hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this situation.  Otherwise he'll take the fall for them. AC Clarks name is all over it.  Watch this Dean Ellis aka Major at Baker.  He's deep in the mess too.  Very protected by high staff and nothing more than a pumped up pompus ass!"


St. Pete Times
Dec 1, 2005 10:10 AM EST

Former prison guard sentenced in steroid probe

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -- A former Department of Corrections officer pleaded guilty to taking part in a prison-based steroids distribution ring and was sentenced to two years' probation and 100 hours of community service.

Oscar Shipley 41, became the fourth person to plead guilty to avoid prison time for taking part in the ring. He could have faced up to five years in prison when he was sentenced Wednesday.

Shipley pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids, which are used illegally to increase muscle mass but can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings. Shipley's deal includes cooperating with the government in ongoing investigations of the state prison system.

The steroid charges are part of a state and federal investigation that includes embezzlement from a state-run recycling facility and misuse of state property and prison labor.

Shipley was indicted in February, along with former corrections officers Michael Chambliss, Marcus Hodges and Clayton Manning. Hodges' sentencing is scheduled for January and the other two are on probation.

Benjamin Zoltowski and Bryan Griffis were indicted in 2004 on the same charges and pleaded guilty. Zoltowski received probation and Griffis will be sentenced this month.

Court records show Manning was in Egypt and sent steroids back to northeast Florida, including six packages U.S. Customs officials intercepted between March and October 2003, court records show. Griffis, Shipley and Zoltowski then distributed the drugs to corrections officers and other customers in the area.

Shipley was accused of wiring more than $5,900 to Manning to pay for the steroids.

Like several of the former guards in the steroids case, Shipley played on a prison softball team coached by Allen Clark, a former regional director of North Florida prisons.

Clark is at the center of the state and federal probe and resigned his $94,000-a-year job in August.


Information from: The Florida Times-Union,

© 2005 The Associated Press.

© Copyright 2003-4 St. Petersburg Times.

Allen Clark
James Crosby