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November 13, 2005  

Dear Kay Lee,  

Recently, I discovered your website and was astonished with what I read. I wanted to write to you in hopes that you will put my thoughts of Oscar Shipley and A.C. Clark and his “Bad Boy Crew” on your website.  

I am not Oscar’s wife, nor am I a Correctional Officer. I have known Oscar since I was twelve years old. I can tell you the “good” and the “bad” about this man. I am comfortable in stating that I know him as well as or better than his own father. I grew up with his protection and demeanor. 

He is a mean guy, the person who wrote that was correct. He is all those imposturous things people are saying about him. There are sides to every human being that are horrible. Oscar is the type of man that will go to the ends of the earth for you if he “likes” you. He has a devoted heart with those he trusts. Let’s be honest and say that the worst can come out in all of us when backed into a corner and we must defend ourselves.  

Oscar went to FSP in 1996, with a devoted love for being a Correctional Officer. He obtains comfort, friendship, and a sense of family from his fellow officers. The man loved his job more than life itself. I can attest to that after watching him strive to be at the top over the years.  

I believe with Oscar’s love for softball and being an Officer he found himself in a very influential situation in North Florida. He met A.C and “the boys”, got in the middle of all the excitement and found it extremely hard to get out. None of us can judge Oscar nor speak for his years under the influence of the very powerful political higher ups.  He loved his job and softball, the two combined caused him a world wind of trouble.   

As for A.C. and the rest of “the boys”, they don’t exactly conduct themselves in a professional manner. I was able to witness their unacceptable behavior at FSP ball games. Watching them act like a bunch of over grown children was not exactly what I had in mind for an adult softball league. But do men ever grow up?

A.C. has definitely influenced and threatened many Officers with their positions, no doubt. I believe Oscar and many others were told what to do and what not to do and if they refused their personal and professional lives miserably suffered.

I can recall a time when Oscar drove “home” three hours to visit me and just as he arrived he received a demanding phone call. It was A.C. advising him to be at a softball game in two hours or his job depended on it.  The man has no regard for anything other than his own personal gain. 

I believe, this is not fact, that A.C. is the man responsible for the “steroid ring” and he demanded his boys to do things against their will. Granted, they made their own choices, but to some of them, the love of their careers meant much more to them.    

Marcus Hodges is another ex-Officer that I feel got wrapped up in the mix and took things a little farther than they should have been taken. However, the website has made him and Oscar out to be monsters and in fact they truly aren’t monsters at all.  

It is easy to compose opinions about these gentlemen and submit them to the website.  However, I find it cowardly not to attach a name to the bottom of their opinions. This proves my point in saying, there is validity that the officers fear losing their positions at the prisons if they voice their opinions and articulate the facts.    

I don’t believe the individuals who have bad mouthed Oscar and others have the integrity or bravery to say such things to them in person.  If you cannot speak such derogative, and oppressive opinions to the person’s face, then please keep those thoughts to yourself.  

Oscar is very willing to speak to all this.  He currently cannot speak to any of this due to the consequences he is dealing with.  It does prove that Oscar is loyal because he chose to keep his thoughts and other imperative information to himself; for that is commendable. However, when he is able to express himself, I believe he will be happy to answer any questions any of you have for him.  

Never pass judgment on others until walking a mile in their shoes. Examine the facts and take into consideration there are several different perspectives on the way things happen.  

If you post this email on your site, which I hope that you do, I ask that you not post the email address where this letter came from. I am sending it from a friend’s address for security purposes. However, it would be hypocritical if I didn’t sign my name.  Therefore, I wish that you attach my name to the end of this letter. Thank you for considering my thoughts and comments to current postings on your website. 

Please feel free Kay Lee to email me back at this email address with your comments.  

Ms. Sara J. Wolfe
, CBA, M.Ed.
Kissimmee, Florida

Thank you for taking the time to read and post my letter. Please do not post the email address which I am sending this from. I would be pleased if you posted my name. I would like to hear your personal thoughts and comments to this as well.  Please feel free to email me back at this address.
Ms.Sara J. Wolfe

Hello, Ms. Wolfe, Sara if I may? I will be pleased to post this onsite. I am fully aware that every person has several facets and that the circumstances they find themselves in often do not reflect their true self.  I learned that while dealing with the prisoners. It has been emphasized by working with the officers. 

Over the years, and especially in the past few weeks, I have learned a great deal about the environment of fear within the department.  I can see that a few at the top have made it very difficult for many who are striving to do a good job for a fair paycheck. I understand more than ever that it is so easy to get caught up in the wrong crowd.  I imagine once you've played their game, and they have something to hold over you, they can pretty much force you to do what they want.

I fully believe your take on Oscar.  Unfortunately there are many like him who go in clean and end up dirty, whether by force or by choice.  I'm so sorry for all the fine young men and women who hired into the prison unaware of the depths to which it could take them.  Knowing what I know, it would be almost as painful  to see my children or grandchildren working in the prison as living there.

When an agency, department, or institution depend on a 'wall of silence' to protect themselves from scrutiny, the men at the top are either weak or unethical.  I believe Mr. Crosby, Mr. Clark and a number of others in charge to be both.  Those they favored have hurt a lot of people, put everyone at greater risk, and sullied the reputation of all who work for the system, yet I cannot imagine a day would ever come that any of them would stand up and tell it like it is.

I would call no man a 'monster' for we were all created as human beings and no matter how flawed we are, we remain human beings until death. I pray that those prison workers who can still recognize their own spirit will respond to something much higher than the "brotherhood" and maybe one day the Oscar Shipleys of the department can feel more free than the prisoners they are entrusted to keep.

With all due respect,
Kay Lee

Kay Lee, I know Oscar very well, I am sure I know him better then anyone on this site. Ms. Wolfe's perception of Oscar is true. Yes, he can be gruff, even down right mean, but that man would do anything for a fellow officer. Weather Oscar liked you are not, if anyone in Brown needed him he would be the first to be there.

I have seen him cry, hold a baby in his arms, stand by his wife while she has fought cancer. None of you know the man, and Oscar Shipley is a man with a heart of gold. Can you imagine what it must be like to be married to a woman who has fought cancer twice with her only chance of survival being his state insurance, what would you do? May no one find themselves in his shoes. It's like the rich guy who goes into the store and steals steaks, while a poor mother steals bread for her children, under the law they are equally illegal, but a huge difference, at least to me. Oscar will be released Thursday and I am sure he will speak for himself soon enough. None of you know what he has been put threw by DOC. Please let him speak for himself before you judge.

Kaylee, If you read this please post it on your site.


Allen Clark
James Crosby