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We've been talking for awhile about the constant dangerous partying by FDOC personnel.  We thought the danger lay in the drunken partiers driving home.  The following is a very shocking and unexpected outcome of the latest party.  Kay Lee

State prisons captain fired over alleged sexual assault

October 04. 2005 2:20PM
The Associated Press

A corrections captain has been fired in an ongoing investigation into an alleged sexual assault last week at Florida State Prison, officials said, the latest in a string of scandals in the state's prison system.

Capt. Keith Davidson, 39, who worked at New River Correctional Institution, was fired Monday for conduct unbecoming an officer, said Robby Cunningham, a spokesman for the Florida Department of Corrections

Davidson, who has worked for the department for about 15 years, was terminated as the corrections department investigates an alleged attack on a woman who attended at party at the prison's bachelor officers quarters, The Gainesville Sun reported in Tuesday editions.

Cunningham refused to discuss the allegations against Davidson, but said no charges have been filed. There was no telephone listing for Davidson and he could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

A call to Bradford County Sheriff's Office, which is investigating the case along with the corrections department, was not immediately returned.

Davidson's termination is the latest in a series of events drawing attention to the behavior of prison officials.

In August, Allen Clark, 40, a protege of Corrections Secretary James Crosby, resigned his position as regional director as federal and state officials began looking into Clark's part at a brawl at a softball banquet and other allegations of wrongdoing.

Several prison guards have been indicted for importing steroids from Egypt for use by other corrections officers and others were charged with embezzling money received by the prisons from recycling. Two former officers have pleaded guilty in federal court in Jacksonville, admitting they funneled steroids to other prison guards. They each received three years' probation and fines of $2,500.

In addition, prison officials have been giving depositions in a f! ederal civil case by women who are current and past department employees who alleged they were sexually harassed at work. That case is scheduled to go to trial in March.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI confirmed last month they are looking into officers in the corrections department. Calls to those agencies were not immediately returned.

I just got the following additions to the Gainesville article concerning an FDOC rape and the resulting suicide.  Please help me as much as you can to bring out the details.  If you know anything related to this story or the people involved, contact me,  Kay Lee, at or 404-212-0690
An article from

Officer fired in probe of prison sex assault
Article published Oct 4, 2005

This article is on Tuesday's front page:

October 04. 2005 6:01AM

An ongoing investigation into an alleged sexual assault at Florida State Prison has resulted in a captain being fired.

Bradford County Sheriff's Lt. W. H. "Bear" Bryan confirmed Monday that the crime scene for a sexual assault reported at 10:04 p.m. Friday was on the grounds of Florida State Prison.

"And that's about all I am going to tell you because this case is under investigation," Bryan said. Although he did not have exact statistics for recent years, Bryan did say that sexual assaults are rare in the rural county that is known internationally as home to Death Row.

Department of Corrections spokesman Robby Cunningham also limited his comments beyond confirming that longtime correctional officer Keith Davidson had been fired from his job as a captain at nearby New River Correctional Institution. Davidson could not be reached for comment.

Davidson has worked for the department for about 15 years.

"He was terminated today for conduct unbecoming an officer," Cunningham told the Sun. "We are working very closely with the Bradford (County) Sheriff's Office and we have zero tolerance for any of the behavior being characterized here. It will not be tolerated."

Those connected with the Department of Corrections who were familiar with the case said the victim was a woman who attended a party at FSP's Bachelor Officers Quarters in the hours before the alleged attack.

The sexual assault case is the latest incident to draw attention to the behavior of prison officials recently.

Earlier this year four current or former corrections officers were indicted for their alleged involvement with steroids imported from Egypt.

In August, Allen Clark resigned from his regional director's job as federal and state officials began looking into Clark's part in a brawl at a softball banquet and other alleged acts of physical violence, financial irregularities in accounts at prisons where he had worked and other allegations of wrongdoing.

Throughout the summer, prison officials have been giving depositions in a federal civil case by women who are current and past department employees who alleged they were sexually harassed at work.

The case is scheduled to go to trial in March.

Karen Voyles can be reached at (352) 486-5058 or

Officer Down
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The officer, Keith Davidson, was found dead at the Recycle Plant today, suicide is being told.  The Recycle Plant is about 1/2 mile across the field on Prison property,

There was more involved than this one man. Neighbors heard and saw many, many officers and another women; a lot of hoopla was going on.

This man was another one of AC's men who sold his personal home and moved onto state property supposedly to follow AC to Tallahassee... he get left behind. 

A lot of things have been sour at these institutions but some of it is finally getting the attention it deserves. This is a quote from someone I talked to today. 

"Kaylee, Have you heard about the sexual assault at FSP's housing area this past weekend?  Apparently, 7-8 of Clark's ball players had a party at the "visitors quarters"  (Crosby's love den).  During the party they assaulted a new female officers. 

"Crosby quickly started covering his tracks and fired a Captain who was present for using the room.  Now, do you think these officers just used this room out of the blue, knowing it was Crosby's hide out and love den?  No!  They have been using it. 

"Someone needs to ask who had the key and where did they get it from.  Clark's boys, Crosby and Clark have used this room to "blow of a little steam" - if you know what I mean.  The FBI needs to go in there and recover DNA.  Maybe they are doing this as part of the assault investigation.  It will be something if Crosby's and some of his scum-bags DNA show's up.  Ask ole Clinton about DNA.

"The sad thing is, the Captain committed suicide today, by blowing his brains out.  He may be innocent of the assault charge, but was fired for using Crosby's room, without permission.  They allowed this for a while now, and now that something happens, Crosby does another, "I don't know" and used him as a scapegoat. 

"This is serious shit now.  Now people are dying.  Bush needs to end this crap now.  That Captain was liked by many of us and he is another victim in Crosby and Clark's deeds coming home to roost. There were others there that night, who are much higher in rank."

"Kaylee, Did you hear what happened to a female officer from New River East?  If not, she was brutally raped and beaten by 6 male officers, one a Captain, and left for dead. 

"Today, October 4, 2005, Captain Keith Davidson committed suicide on state property. He left a great letter that snitched out Crosby, Clark and the other officers/officials involved.  Karen Voyles, from the Gainesville sun ran a article on this today.  The article is very eye opening.

"I know who this officer is, but cannot release her name at this time.  She has a very swollen face, two broken ribs and is black and blue all over.  Furthermore, she was gang raped and has internal injuries from the brutal rape. 

The FBI, FDLE and Local Law Enforcement is involved.  But, the FBI really has taken it away from the other agencies.  (Thank Goodness).  Please pray for her as she has a long road to recovery from her attack.  What she told me broke my heart. 

"These are some really sick people.  I guess Captain Davidson would rather be dead than face a life in prison sentence that he surely would have gotten.  Now lets see what the other 5 do.  This is officer on officer.  No inmate torture this time.  Only proves what we have been saying all along.

More Information on Keith Davidson