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What a Retrogamer Lives For

I am crazy excited for this new little gadget which will no doubt entertain me for minutes on end. You see I am what I like to call a retrogamer. Yes, I am 14, but I have a respect for the hey-days of the NES, or even better, the 2600. *eyes widen* Oh yes, the 2600, the one that started it all. The beaut that, despite horrendous graphics, was amazingly addicting, because that was the point. The programmers of the games for the 2600 knew they could not portray a proper plot or deliver recognizable graphics, so they had to make the games quick one-shots that keep you glued, and when you fall, keep coming back for more. Thats what we have to love about the 2600. It more than delivered it's fair share of addicting games to the world. Like many fellow retrogamers, I have been confined to emulators and roms, so that I could get my fix, that is, until very recently. Heres the story. I was scrolling through ebay, looking for an affordable 2600 that works witha few games. Then my eyes fall upon the very image at the top of this site. Now I can understand how this may be very uninteresting to anyone who doesn't have the same respect I have for Atari, and I apologize if I have lost a few of you, but for me this is very exciting, so have some pity. Anyways, the title of the image said "10 in 1 Atari". So of course I gotta check it out. Turns out that the joystick come preloaded with 10 games on it. And it's not like the games suck either, oh no, these games are like asteroids, pong, centipede, and adventure. Holy crap, and its only $18, including shipping. Well within my budget. I'm sorry, but I just HAD to write about this. It just completely made my day. Jon, when I get it I'm going over to your house, and we ARE havign an atari-thon. I'm out.
