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Log For Soap

February 12, 2003: Time: 1 hr.
Today was the first day that we met we got acquainted with one another and the accountants divided the tasks amongst them. I am in charge of the accounting for the marketing/advertising department. So then I met with the marketing/advertising dept. As a whole group we began discussing the people we wanted to target. We finally decided that we would have soap with the name “Glow”. So the marketing and accounting began drawing up ideas with that company name in mind. We got a star theme. I started researching some soap recipes with the research scientist because the adv./marketing people seem to be working on a slogan. It was during class period and we were in the library.

February 15, 2003: Time: 1 hr.
The team found out that the name “glow” was already taken so we had to find some other name that was relates to the sky theme we had already thought about. The advertising and marketing got together and started drawing ideas for the name. We finally decided upon “celestial” and asked for the approval of each of the team members. We had to think of ideas for the advertising logo. We also began thinking about advertising techniques and ways to get them as donations or for free. We also decided upon $3.50 as the cost for each of the team members. The donations for products that were going to be needed in order to make soap were also brought up at this meeting.

February 21, 2003: Time: 2hr
At this point the team still has not found out what the soap recipe is going to be. The research scientist and engineers have been working on finding one. I looked for about an hour or two on the Internet to find some. I have some and will share them with the rest of the group to see what they think.

February 24, 2003: Time: 2hr
There is a recipe that we have in mind to use as the one to make our soap. I looked online for the specific products that we were to use. Some are very difficult to find and take several weeks to arrive. So we must find another plan to get these ingredients because I’m sure that our team is not the only one out there looking for them. I took the liberty getting prices of ingredients and set up and estimate of certain soaps we would make. To complete that task it took a while because searching on the Internet for certain ingredients was difficult but we also wanted different estimates from different stores.

March 5, 2003: Time: 3hr
Today I asked the other accountants if they have began their part and we checked on each other to see if we needed help. There were still some people that hadn’t paid their money so we had to keep on asking them and reminding that this was a group effort. I also received the ideas from the rest of the advertising of what they wanted to do as there five forms of advertising and we finally decided on: 1.Business cards 2.Flyers representing billboards 3.Website 4.Radio 5.Commercial/newspaper. I began searching online and calling companies to figure out about how much it would be for each one of them. I also began setting up charts that would give us a price comparison charts.

March 19, 2003: Time: 5min
The advertising team did not meet during the weekend to make the boards for the presentation today. It ended up that Lauren had to do it all on her own so the accountants had to give her some money for the paint she used. We are still not sure how much we will have to pay her until she returns her receipts.

March 26, 2003: Time: 1 ½ hrs
I was searching online for marketing prices for the packaging prices and estimates. I figured out that each box was about 1-3 dollars. So I shared it with Lauren and Jing but Lauren said that her dad could donate the boxes since he works at a packaging company. To put it in our budget he gave us an estimate of about .98 cents a box for 1000. This in the end will actually be a bit more than we need in a month.

April 1, 2003: Time: ½ hr
I needed to find out from marketing exactly what we would need for the presentation that we have to do at the end and the paint supplies. I figured that we would need around 15 dollars to supply the paint and brushes. Since the paper was free from the teachers lounge it did not go into the budget itself.

April 8, 2003: Time: 1hr
I discussed with advertising and marketing department how things were going with the prices. I also asked if they needed any help yet. They said not at this time so I expect that I can probably help other departments. I asked the accountant Kelly that deals with the payroll if she needed any help and she said that she didn’t and that it was all going fine. Then I asked Kevin who deals with expenses if he needs any help but he also said no but we will have to start figuring out the individual price of the soap at the end once all is done.

April 13, 2003: Time: 2hrs.
The radio was a little difficult to find prices because most companies would not give out exact prices over the Internet but instead I had to call. And still I got a run around and couldn’t find anything. I kept on looking for prices on business cards, brochures, and website. The website prices vary widely depending on the complexity of the website.

April 24, 2003: Time: 3 hrs
Today I worked individually due to the spring break and because we didn’t meet. I was helping the marketing dept. by searching for some prices for billboards, radio spots, commercials, business cards, and also on different marketing techniques. I found some very original ideas to market our product by producing goody bags for our soap. But the price is a little hefty so during our next meeting that is something that we will be discussing.

April 29, 2003: Time: ½ hr
Today I researched some prices for brochures and flyers. Since matt worked at a UPS copy club it was easy to figure out how much each flyer was and then estimating how much we would need in a month.

May 3, 2003: Time: 3hrs.
Today I finished putting all the marketing analysis together which consisted of the packaging and the presentation board prices. These were then sent to the supervisors and the plant manager. I also did my interview with and accountant.

May 6, 2003: Time: 1 ½ hrs
Jing Feng asked me to make the charts of the surveys they made. Lauren Matsumoto created student surveys and Jing Feng helped pass them out. These results were given to me and I later compile them together to create graphs of these results. I began working on putting the information in separate columns and tallying up the results. This began the lengthy process of arranging the graphs in nice exhibits

May 7, 2003: Time: 1 hr
The surveys weren’t completely done so I had to give them back to Jing so she could finish the rest of the surveys. So I couldn’t quite finish the graphs but I have a good start on the ones that I do have. I have them tallied up and have begun putting them together.

May 9, 2003: Time: 2 hrs
I finished tallying up all the surveys today and separating the charts of each different question on the surveys with it's own graph. The graphs are separated by color and also have percentages next to them. There is a key to each of them so they can easily distinguish the different aspects of the surveys. It is on about 5 different pages. I also sent them to the plant manager, business and science supervisor, advertising, and marketing dept.

May 14, 2003: Time: 1 hr
At home I was able to research the prices for a commercial and billboard. I figured out how much it would cost to actually make it at Watson Photo in 2 days. To broadcast it though it would be free on public access channel. The billboard had either frozen dates, which is on set dates and unfrozen dates are billboards that are put up whenever there is room. Business cards seem to be at about the same price because most made 500/39.00.

May 15, 2003: Time: 1hr
Today I worked on putting the final soap comparison charts together. This consisted of all the prices that I found on the method of advertising we were going to do. I had prices on commercial, billboards, flyers, business cards, brochure, and radio broadcast. The commercial consisted of two parts the actual cost of making it and broadcasting it. The billboard price included the making and putting it together. I then sent them to those above me.

May 16, 2003: Time: 5hrs.
During class we just decided what was left to do and the advertising department and I worked on ideas for the actual board. Lauren and I went to the teachers lounge and cut some paper that we would need. The whole group attended a mandatory meeting at Matt Schott’s house. Kelly, Lauren, and I went to the stores in order to get the candy that we will be passing out on the presentation day. We also went to get cups and crepe paper for the sun that we planned on making. Once at Matt’s house we finalized the choices for advertising and then at home I was able to put the final choice and budget papers together. Matt and I also found out how much a radio commercial would actually be which was quite expensive. Lauren. Jing, Jessica, and I began the sun because we had to cut, glue and paperclip together. Lauren took it home and finished the rest that was left. The whole team also had to sign some last minute papers having to do with our benefits. Once

May 17, 2003: Time: 8hrs.
Today we worked on the presentation of our board and the board itself. The board took about a couple hours due to the complexity of it. Lauren, Jing, Ashley, Daniel Maziel, Kevin, Jessica, and I attended the meeting, which was held at Lauren’s house. We also worked on the commercial that we needed to make for advertising because this was the only day that Asal the cameraperson could attend and she would finish on Sunday. I arrived at 11 and left at about 7 many arrived at different times but the boards was something that needed a lot of work on it. Lauren and I put all the cotton on the board and Jing and I put the lights in through the back while Lauren pasted the info on the front. I also worked on the nametags that we had to make for every person in the Celestial Soap Co. I also made the ones that are going to be passed out during the judging days. The brochures were also started but not finished because Asal had to begin the editing of the movie. The brochures will be passed out during the presentation and judging days. Lauren, Ashley, and I worked on the bubbles that will be floating about in the air by putting glitter on the outside of them. The cutting, stuffing, and stapling was done by Jessica, Daniel M., Lauren and I. I also started putting my own portfolio together.

May 18, 2003: Time: 2 hrs.
I finished putting my portfolio together because the plant manager wanted to have them done by Monday. I also fixed some odds and ends with the plant manager and checked if they needed anything else from me.