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I like Mad Mad House, which is a reality show on the Scifi channel at 10.. or was it 9? I dun remember.Either way. What goes on you ask? Great question, great answer;
10 regular people walk into this beautiful mansion and have to life there for a while, sound like Big Brother? HAH! YOU WISH! BOOM who should appear, but a Vampire (DON) a Witch (FIONA) a Voodoo priestess (TA'SHIA) a Naturist (AVOCADO) and a Modern Primative (ART) BOOM! These guest have to leran how to understand and accept their ways of lifes of go home, and loose the chance of having a crap load of money. I honestly love the show, some hate it, some obsesse over it. I am a borderline obsession case. And I am damn well proud of it.
This is Don, a Vampire. He shows the guests that even the dark can be a good guy. Many people on the board argue if he is real. He is, even if he does have to dress more 'vampire like' He's awesome, no one can tell me anything different. But his Teenie-gother clan (these girls are sooo obsessed, it gets pretty annoying) will tell you he is the hottest thing to hit this earth.... I personally think my clan of faithful peasents of Mars are pretty sexy... *giggles*
Fiona, the Wiccan. She has books out, she has done radio and had skimmied over many religions before finding that Wiccan was her thing. Many people think she is snobby and the majority stick up for her. She is great. She belives and shares her way of life with anyone who will listen. I enjoy watching her teach.
Avocado, he's a nudist, a naturiest, and he makes a smoothie that you'll get so much energy afterwards you could outrun Superman. He eats raw meat and teaches the guest to savor, and fell ok around nakedness.
The Voodoo priestess.Ta'Shia. Some call her the motherfigure. If that were it, and sometimes it does seem that way, I would say she's the mother with an edge. The last time she had a showcase, she poured all this stuff all over the guests, things for the earth, water, air and stuff, they were screaming and it was great!
The Modern Primative Art. With spirtal tattos all over his body and earings the size of my kneecap, he is definetly the most noticable in my eyes. His eyes are dark with understanding and he is very calm. Even when being challenged. His hands are very large, if ever provoked, I bet he could knock out the biggest person in the world!
Kelly. A major dramaqueen. She proudly told everyone, pretty much as soon as she set foot into the house "I am a virgen!" Great for her and all. She cried a lot, she yelled a lot. I really didn't like her. Put a few drinks in her and she's crazy!
Nichole. my personal favorite. She was from Malibo, and many people called her fake. She was a strong contender and made it to the final two! Even though people continuely made harsh comments about her right in front of her and behind, she still smiled through it. GO NICHOLE!! *breaks out the banner*
Noel. Very funny. He brought many laughs into the house, hence, why he is standing on a JACK IN THE BOX. There was a slight misunderstanding about Cold Medicine, and he drove that far, trying to stay in the game over it, and ended up being kicked out. Thats what you get for lieing I suppose. But backstabbing is a bitch. *glares at Eric*

Now, before you go through the links at the way bottom. I want you to know, I have not gone through each one personally. I am sorry if they aren't the best or if they only talk about how much they love the person. Sorry, I can only go so far on my time!

Ten ways you know you are obsessed with MMH

The Alts websites & extra

Iya Ta'Shia
Where ART practices piercing
fan site (great place to read more info then the stuff I don't have on mine *grins* )