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Awards from Me

and you thought I forgot!
Now just so you know, the random person award is not just picking someone out of a hat. We have a random friend who is not into dolling to pick their favorite. This time it was my brother JD, if you are mad, hurt him, not Nell or I!!

Name: Kandiya
Base credit: Credit

Name: Artemis/Nemi
Website: Site
Base credit: Credit

Name: MicheeMee
Website: Site
Base credit: Credit

Name: Janet
Website: Site
Base credit:Credit

Name: Maggie (LilKitty)
Website: None
Base credit:CREDIT

Name: Tang
Base credit:credit

Name: Jackie Malfoy
Website: Site
Base credit:Credit

Name: Maggie
Website: None
Base credit: Credit

Name: Vanessa Hagenow
Website: None
Base credit:Credit

Name: Viviana Website: None
Base credit: Scratch pad base

Name: Carly
Website: None
Base credit:Credit