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contest rulers & calender

When Dolls Dance
Insane Plaza
When Dolls Dance Contest Calender

BASIC Rules!

Base Credit for Pants Logo girl
that was extra big for the blind people *giggles*


New Contests
Rules below, Entries in link
(btw, i lost the link to this doll maker, can anyone find it for me?)


On with this contest's rules !!

two girls, mostly pink, one in one shade of pink, one in the other, one must have lace, attitude of each doll must be completely differnt then the other. (ex) one preppy looking, one punky looking... one evil, one good, one smiling, one scowling... get it?

Autumn Fairy
Wings must be leafs, only autumn colors, must have an autumn object in it, like a leaf or visable wind... WE WON'T TAKE ANY HALLOWEEN OBJECTS. Any halloween dolls will be returned.

Must be a real MUSICAL character. no made ups. I want to see their tail. In the doll, there must be a halfie,as in you know, what you see from the musical, and one cat. as in meow meow i run around your house and eat cat food. Must have the CATS logo. Don't copy and paste, make it your own. but still, cats logo.

Base Edit
Use my Elle bases any of them. No scandly clad ones. She's a sweet base, unisex, yet I call her a her all the time. Violet eyes. There must have a flower. holding or in her hair...

Rules of Sending 1. On this contest, we want you to send your fine dolls to Nelly
2. When sending, please include the title as whatever the contest is called as the title
3.) in order please put the following...
your name
your dolls name
your website (if you have one)
the email address you want us to contact you with
base credit
what contest you would like to see done
your doll (almost forgot that!)

4.) and of course, HAVE FUN, BE CREATIVE!