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My Dolls man!

no place like home *taps red heels*

This is my friend Polley. She is taking Jack Sparrow Hostage in her closet. I made the doll kinda FOR her, but you can take the doll and put it on your site anyway!!
Its my friend, you know her from INSANE PLAZA! Well, me and her watched Cats and then I thought I'd turn her into a cat! So here she is! Nelly the Jellicle!!
ah man! I wrote where the site was, and now the site URL won't work. If you can get the site URL for me, it would be greatly appricated! Its a doll of me latched onto the kid from the school play. I had to pretty much throw myself at him to get him at least comfertable enough to give me a hug in the play and make it seem like we were to be wed.
looks like a girl from school. Hope she doesn't flip if she sees it, seeing she's in a bikini. but the base SCREAMED the girl's name!
Its half Moulin Rouge, half hooker....sure, same thing, but I don't think she's dressed up enough to work in M.R.
I like punks *grins like an idiot*
made of this girl from this movie I saw about these two sisters who go and end up working in the Play Boy Bar place....
I like fairies...
Vixen of Cats. Foxy red tart... there, i just called her a reindeer, a fox and a pop tart (giggles)
gothic Boo Peep. ate her sheep, and idolesed the olderest. (see the tatoo on her belly?)
no base. did by hand!
From Swiss Cheese Army. my link for it doesn't work. Look for the site on google. Emily! My favorite brand of clothes...
Pretty movie, pretty doll
Prettyfull haunting ghost.
You know them, you love them, adoupt them!
my favorite actor, with my favorite quote of his. It was indended for a contest. i think the contest died!
She started out Satine from Moulin Rouge in the Hindi song at the end, but then i relized it just plain sucked, so I changed her!
My favorite book. IT. NOT THE MOVIE VERSION, why? because the movie isn't as good!
Who is really the evil one? The one who coveres her breast with seaweed? Or the one who doesn't? *giggles* I was discussing that with a friend. and no, i am not making fun of nudists.
base is by ANGYCHAN, I bet you can make the link work, but I can't one of my favorite dolls. She turned out well, and I love mother nature.
I love this movie! and I thought of this song and doll and had to do it or die trying!
same as above one!
done for a friend. I have no sexual urges, nor really like this actor. Johnny Depp beats him anyday! acting and looks? Must be a gift from heaven!

I love Stewie. He is the meaning of pure funny evil! hand made, no base

I was uh.. listening to BLUE a lot, you know, I'm blue, la ba dee la ba daa hench, she is blue
This is an attempt at Sarah from metal Aqua. I also gave it to her. but if you want it, take it, just say who the doll is fasioned after. and a url to hers, and mine
my friend Tang. don't take, for obvious reasons...
the base seemed too perfect for the doll!!
I did this for a contest at metal Aqua. I hope she is good enough for gold... or silver... or bronse.......
thats me!! Telling you to bite my lilly ass behind!
Did her for a contest. Unfortuenity, she was too big for the contest, but she liked it
Yes. a Lesbien wedding. I am all up for it! I think they SHOULD be married, and if you don't like what my opinion is, how did you manage to read this far into my site?
Medival Girl, yea, nothing more to say. I just wanted a flowing dress for the base
Cats, Victoria
u know that song "how stupid could I be?" Thats what the doll is. That song!
from the movie LEON THE PROFESSIONAL. Great movie!

Yea, I really like this goddess
The charmed ones.
my new doll, base by click, came from my insides, that and a good song. been busy on her for a while.