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The Art of LOP lanaguage

Why you should use LOP

The Art of Lop language ~~~ I learned it in 9th grade, boy was my friends ever-so-pissed when my letters were written in it!!
Its easy to figure out I guess!
after every non vowel say OP
don't OP after a vowel
like, if saying HI you would say
I Love You would be
i lOPovOPe yOPou
get it?.... no?
Hopi, saying HI, would sound like Popiee, who ate all the spinich and beat the tar out of Pluto all for Olivil, who was a stick, and needed some food, and a chin... hOPowOP dOPo yOPou dOPecOPodOPe sOPomOPetOPhOPinOPgOP wOPitOPhOP a cOPrOPapOP lOPoadOP ofOP opOP'sOP inOP itOP? dOPidOP yOPou wOPasOPtOPe yOPourOP tOPimOPe wOPitOPhOP tOPhOPisOP? gOPoodOP jOPobOP yOPounOPgOP gOPrOPasOPsOPerOP... yOPou bOPeatOP yOPourOP onOPlOPyOP tOPesOPtOP.... yOPou hOPavOPe nOPo lOPifOPe eitOPhOPerOP!!! jOPoinOP tOPhOPe cOPlOPubOP! bOPanOPnOPerOP cOPomOPesOP sOPoonOP!