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why I pick on the questionair?

Me! ( I am the one smiling!)
because it is true!
betta believe it!
Well, lets see. What Can I tell you?
Name?:: Trav!!!!!
Placement?:: Earth, until further notice.
age?:: i'll put my birthdate 8/14/85
Likes?:: movies, books, music, likable stuff
DESCRIBE YOU DORK!:: Stephen King books, Comedy movies, horror movies, musical movies, mixture of music. Cats CATS CATS CATS
dislikes?:: lots of stuff
DESCRIBE :: lots of stuff
u r hopeless :: I know, isn't it great? *giggles*
Ok, I will really answer. I don't like... over the top funny people. Who always want attention. Who must always get everything to be a joke, because everything isn't a joke, sometimes you just need to be sad. So, as much hate mail as I may get for this. Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Jack Black, Tom Green, and Auggie (school) need to burn in hell. Lets see, what else do I hate... I don't like Britteny Spears, and as bad as this sounds. I prefer her over Avil anyday! I dislike war, and close minded people, and assholes, and dickweeds and homophobs. GO BURN IN HELL! also people who use gay in a bad way.
This one time I was in computer class when this bitch behind me who i THOUGHT was my friend said "he is SO gay! Such an idiot!" and I turned to her and go "gay means happy" which i say everytime someone uses it in a bad way. and she looks at me and goes " Trav, I am in a bad mood, don't mess with me." and I look at her with a very calm and heartless look, think Wensday Addams... and go "Gay means happy, bitch. You know how I am, and how I hate people who use language in the wrong way, you may think its prude, but i think your an ass." and then " i don't give a rats ass if you are in a bad mood. don't ruin mine" and then went back to work.
Life?:: Maybe later. None right now!
Passion?:: acting!
soda? :: cherry cola at point of time
food? :: CHICKEN KIEV!!!!!
number? :: 78
why on earth is that your fave number?:: fun to write
Dork :: thank you
Your unbareable! I'm outta here! :: Bye bye! see you tommorrow!!


I am the middle cat, playing Flirty Alonzo from Cats. The cats on my side are Rumpleteazer and Bombalurina.
I enjoy painting faces. Espeicaly like CATS. Y? Because it is the funnest faces to paint! but not when the fur gets in the way *giggles*

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