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The so-called contenders.

Shabree Reddington.

The self-proclaimed "New Wave" Shabree Reddington exudes confidence and attitude. She's also contractually obliged to remind viewers every ten seconds that she is female. This shallow insistence on proving how "different" she is and how she can "hang with the boys" reeks of Lisa Simpson-style hysterical point-making but it continues unabashed because once it stops, the gimmick dies. Still, if you're a fan of seeing women be deceptive and then get violently beaten for their deception (and let's face it, as a wrestling fan, you are) then the career of Shabree Reddington is one to watch. Simultaneously challenging stereotypes and reinforcing them, this wild firecrotch shows that women can beat men but they have to cheat to do it. And while this point may stand against the feminist approach Shabree's PR campaign promotes it still gifts her title shots that she wouldn't get, say, if she were a man.

Reddington doesn't just deceive her opponents though. She's also profoundly talented at deceiving herself. Blessed with tremendous athletic ability and a kind of super strength usually reserved for the ugliest of lesbians, Shabree actually believes her contracts and television appearances are based on her wrestling accumen. In fact, the true reason Shabree is promoted by companies, given title shots and an exorbitant amount of screentime, is that she's a commodity. She's unique. She's a girl who's willing to be punched by dudes and wrestling promoters, knowing their fanbases penchant for punching women, have latched onto this. In this way, she's no different than a midget wrestling normal men. Or a bearded turtle. She's a freakshow, a thing to be gawked at, to be ridiculed, to be pointed at and teased. And there's nothing necessarily wrong with that. If Shabree can get rich exploiting the prejudices and ignorance of the wrestling industry, girl power to her. But to believe that the money is coming as a product of her talent? Bitch, please.

She is Shabree Reddington and her matches are like porn for wifebeaters (Steve Austin's her number 1 fan! Kurt Angle number 2.)

She does have one particularly huge fan, however...

Chris Freytag.

Chris Freytag's arrogance is second only to his desperate obsession with self-promotion. While his meticulously edited, gloriously heavy-handed DVD compilation indicates technical prowess that could defeat even the most finely-tuned opponent, his need to be seen and thought of as someone "amazing" has caused him to relegate himself to being "that guy who tags with a girl". This decision obviously has it's upside, granting Freytag instant acclaim and attention from the PC Brigade and feminists everywhere. Unfortunately, it also negates any chance he has of making a legitimate impact. When he could be tearing up the singles division, he now finds himself carrying a hormonal, irrational passenger whose commitment to the team comes a distant second to home duties and grocery shopping.

Perhaps Freytag is content with this role, sacrificing in-ring success for the inevitable financial windfall that comes with being part of the freak show. If so, kudos to him on not being bogged down with silly things like winning. If not, his judgment has been clouded by his throbbing boner, his crush on Shabree causing him to see talent and potential where there is none. We've all been there, it's just that when we were, we were teenagers and didn't know better. Chris Freytag is a fully-developed adult which makes his lust-riddled decision just as pathetic as his attempts at humour in backstage segments on Showdown. Either way, whether he actually believes it or not, his arrogance in the face of all reason has him seriously believing that he and Shabree have a chance at walking out of Supercard II with the Tag Team Titles. He's caged himself into a house made of cards and when the inevitable happens and they all come crashing down, at least he can cheer himself up with his DVD collection of past glories. Hey, it's more than Adam Young has.

Chris Freytag: Deluded, confused and standing on the precipice of dream-shattering disappointment. But hey, at least his partner is "hot".

The champs...