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The Tag Team Champions

Colt Crawford.

Storming into The Wrestling Domain like a prized thoroughbred, Colt promptly lost his first match. Since then he's unleashed a tiresome campaign of whining and ridden Brian Clark's coat-tails to position of undue prominence. Buoyed by his cussess, Crawford's already inflated sense of self-worth has grown ten-fold, making his ego nearly as big as his steroid addiction.

One might question Brian Clark's wisdom in thrusting his protege` into the limelight and affording him success given Colt's reliance on performance and muscle-enhancing drugs. From here on in, Colt will equate those vices with success and, as such, will refuse to ever give them up. History has shown the consequences of such life decisions but Colt will undoubtedly ignore them, remaining blinded by the sparkly gold he currently has around his waist. One can only hope he doesn't procreate before his inevitable death, leaving behind a batch of fatherless, sunken-eyed children.

He is a danger to himself and others. He is a tag team champion. He is going to die young of a steroid-induced heart explosion. He is Colt Crawford, a walking reminder of everything wrong with wrestling.

And his partner...


This self-proclaimed "legend in the making" likes to proclaim that he's a legend in the making. In fact, since his debut he has obsessively repeated the phrase as if it were a mantra. And while this graceless repetition is undoubtedly a ploy to have people subconsciously associating the word "legend" with "Saber", it's a ploy that seems to be working. The famously easy-to-manipulate fans of wrestling have taken to Saber like a fat dude to a donut and cheese sandwich. Swayed by his southern drawl and his predilection for getting names HILARIOUSLY wrong, the fans have taken his bait and fuelled his ego, confirming his belief that he is indeed something special.

Though repeated defeats at the hands of Jamie Krenshaw have shamed Saber, they have not diminished his disproportionate well of confidence nor his unwarranted sense of entitlement. Taking inordinate pride in his newly captured Tag Team Title, his delusions of grandeur prevent him from admitting it was his ties with mentor/sugardaddy Brian Clark that gifted him and his roided up partner an undeserved title shot.

He is a braggard, he is a blowhard, he is babysitting one of the Tag Team Titles until someone deserving comes along. He is Saber and he WILL be a legend dammit!

And now to the Main Event...