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The Next Tag Team Champions


Daniel Pandora, known to wrestling fans around the world as Krunch, is a monster. He is a man so violent, so dominating, that the mere sight of him reduces his 6'11 brother, Scott, to liquid. Krunch has travelled federation to federation leaving a trail of victory and destruction in his wake. This man is so talented that he and a partner actually defeated JAMIE KRENSHAW and his partner in a PWK Tag Team tournament years ago. Krenshaw was a tag team champion in the DCW at the time.

Since showing up in The Wrestling Domain, Krunch has been unstoppable, squishing Darkness like a bug and making his brother run around like a whimpering pussy the last two Showdowns. Having passed Jamie Krenshaw's rigorous audition process, Krunch now finds himself aligned with yet another undefeated member of TWD's elite. The pair proved last Showdown that their tandem warrants the fear put on display by the girl formerly known as Sparrow and they head into Supercard II the undisputed, unbackable favourites to take out the Tag Team Turmoil match.

Krunch is built like a machine but free of the chemical help required by the likes of Colt Crawford. He's a natural beast and at Supercard II he will take his natural place on top of the pecking order.

He is Krunch and he is one half of the reason why even having the Tag Team Turmoil match is redundant. The other reason, his partner...

"the Virtuoso of Violence" Jamie Krenshaw.

"The Virtuoso of Violence" Jamie Krenshaw is beloved by wrestling fans all over the world. Known for his calm, carefree attitude and his charity work, Krenshaw has been labeled by the Pope himself as "close to a resurrection of Jesus as we're ever likely to see." Krenshaw, ever modest, plays down this remark whilst trying to hide the stigmata on his hands.

Krenshaw has gained a reputation as being remarkably kind and approachable, always stopping to chat with fans and sign autographs. His love of the wrestling industry is second-to-none and his willingness to sacrifice pay in order to afford fans cheaper ticket prices has earned him many a thumbs up from the wrestling public.

The name "Jamie Krenshaw" is synonymous with the word "success", with Jamie having held a title in every single company he's worked for. Whether it be unseating Heartbreak Meyers as BTW Champion or having a 67 day reign as the TWF's Television Title, Krenshaw has proven time and again that he most certainly has the skills to pay the bills. But it isn't just bills that Krenshaw pays. He also allots a percentage of his pay cheque to the needy, helping to feed African children and clothe the homeless. This has earned him commendations from many high-profile people including Barack Obama, The Queen of England and Bono from U2. Jamie remains circumspect in the face of all the adolation, insisting that attention should not go to himself but to the issues which he helps to tackle.

It's a wonder with all his great work outside the ring that Jamie even has the time to compete for tag team titles and win Champions' Cases but that's just the man he is. A success, a treasure, a beacon of humility and integrity in a world where those qualities are just too rare.

He is Jamie Krenshaw and he'll become Tag Team champion at Supercard II. It's what the starving children of Africa would want.

The conclusion...