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We return to the set of SPORTGASM! with fans cheering and still laughing from Jamie's completely unreal depiction of himself. Tony, ever the sycophant, does his best forced Michael Cole-style laugh.

TONY: Well, Jamie, that's just brilliant.

Jamie beams, proud of his handiwork.

JAMIE: I thought so.

TONY: I know you're a busy man Jamie so we'll let you go, just remind everybody one last time, when is the show?

JAMIE: It's on the 20th of September, it's going to be great, I'm going to win my first title in TWD and am going to put on a clinic doing it.

TONY: And what about that Champion's Case? You implied at Showdown that Supercard may be the night you finally cash it in.

A wry grin from the Virtuoso.

JAMIE: Nice try, Tony, but if you want to find out what happens on that front, you'll have to watch the show.

TONY: Very well. Well, thanks Jamie for joining us, the whole country is behind you and hopes that you become a Tag Team champion and possibly a World champion next Sunday.

JAMIE: Thank you, Tony. Thank you fans. Seriously, though, order the show! I need the residuals!

More laughter.

JAMIE: Anyway, I need to rest so I'm gonna go watch some tapes of Brent Kersh.

Jamie chuckles as he walks off, leaving Tony Prescott and the studio audience laughing way too much at the already tired joke.

A week away from triumph.