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The Death Valley Women's Penitentiary

Penitentiary Code

Welcome to Hell!
This is a roleplaying site created to give you the low down on the room and the people who roleplay in it. The Pen or DVP is set up to encourage para posting with a twisted, brutal, yet serious background. If you're in the group and on the list then you have access to a Calendar that outlines times and schedules to further encourage a tone of realism.

Here are a few basic rules for everyone:

1) We'd prefer no autoing. Yes,yes, I know, once in a while it can't be helped. And if you don't know what autoing've just hit a major brickwall. The whole concept of roleplaying is to give your partner/group a chance to respond. It's only fair since you'd have the same chance in life. For the most part autoing frowned down upon and the likelihood that anyone will respond to it is rare unless your partner is on crack.

2) The whole process of roleplaying works better if everyone waits their turn to actually post. We've done this before and it was awesome! Anyone can jump in, it's just wise to ask where they can be included in the mix of things. And of course if someone has a plot going that involves certain people, it's requested that you ask before just joining in someone's roleplay.

3) There is no particular pecking order. Guards will remain guards and cons will remain cons. If for some reason you want to change sides, then create a new id. This cuts down on idiocy and confusion.

4) Creativity is the key folks. If all you do is grab a taser and shock the shit out of somebody you're pretty lame. Sorry, but I gotta call it like it is. We want force, brutality and most of all....those delcious minds to come up with some of the most erraticly twisted crap that gets us all excited and worked up. And remote control shock collars...well please....nuff said. It's one of those moves that causes the player to get tossed in the iggy bin.

5) This room IS a killing zone. Yes I know it different from the rooms we're used to. But it adds a certain spice to the room, and it WILL keep everyone on their toes. It's suggested that you think twice about the your actions since they could kill you. The idea is if your character is killed off...then it's time for a new start. It's the fine balancing act that any con or guard has to go through....hehehe.

Basic rules for inmates:

1) There are no cons that can just slip out of a cell happy as you please. This is a high tech facility backed up with the usual use of keys in case of an electrical shut down. Roleplay that you stole a key or something. The idea here is to keep it as real as possible. Sure it's roleplay, but it gets a little ridiculous if you constantly make it easy on yourself.

2) The bartering force here is extreme. You can't just end up with a bottle of booze because you think you need it. You have to roleplay the action. How did you get that liquor? Think about it folks. And make it seem real! Trade for items with the only flow of cash behind bars; cigarettes. It's items such as cigs that will "buy" you just about whatever your little heart desires whether it's from a crooked guard or one lucky con. The point is simple. Use your imaginations and think about these things. Could it really happen? Does it really happen? Did you make a connection with a guard and manipulate the guy for the stuff?

Basic rules for guards:

1) Now I'm not trying to be an ass here, alright I might be, but you guys love me for it! But the guards have strict rules just like the cons. Not every freaking one of you can have an office. Nor can you kick back and have a beer. It's called job security! If they do, by God the Warden better be on someone's ass and nail them to the wall. Get the drift guys?

2) There is usually a superior you have to answer to. Whether it be the Warden or the next higher up. That's not to say you're going to be bossed around by that particular character, but playing closely together is a good idea. Most of all it's an added plus if you guys stick together as a united force. I mean, you do have to watch each others backs or find a shank sticking in one of them. I've heard the cons are sick, twisted, bitches that would rather see you bleed than breathe.

3) Guards are lucky and have the most freedom in the room. They can come and go as they please. In the hierarchy of the Pen....guards are nobility. This of course makes some of the cons crack under the pressure and I'm NOT naming names, you know who you are chica! The only thing that needs to be watched is the exact position of a con, it makes all the difference in the world when we all pay attention.

Above all else, just have fun. Most of us are of the same mind set here. The bottom line is that we're here to have fun. No one is in charge or has the right to kick a person out of the room. We're here as a group, although it may be in private, to have some serious rping fun. It only takes 3-4 people to get a really good plot going. So keep those ideas humming and start a poll on the Groups site to see if a particular idea will fly. It doesn't hurt to give it a try.

"They try to take away your individualism, make you wear the same clothes, limit your property,even make tattoos illegal in the Pen....."

Get high, do crime, go to the joint. Get high, do crime, nothing changes. The drug economy knows no barriers.