This is me at age 14. I'm much better looking now.
Yeah, here's everything original on my page...or if you're Bob Zanicky,
there's nothing original anywhere, especially on this page.
Ok, I didn't come up with this's still good, though.
- It's the THE SWINGERS RULES. Written by Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau, learn the wisdom behind the men.
Bomb Ass Places To Shop in San Francisco
- Yeah, that's right. I'm in SF right now, and here's some places you
don't wanna miss, dig? Cause there's just some shit you don't find in tour
books, like where to find Adidas wind pants, you know?
Check it out, Shnooka.
These are the Daves I know. There's probably a few other people there, too.
The IUP Party Scene.
- What really goes down at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania campus
every weekend...let's you know what's going down, what you've heard about
what's going down, rumors about when the White House is partying again, and
where the Beast Ice can be found. PLUS: Now includes "Bitch, Walk Yo Ass Back
to Langham," the shocking story about one night hook-ups at IUP that "The Man"
at the Penn didn't want you to read!
Learn of the perversity that occurs.
- THE *** CORNER-Pictures of *** passed
out all over Indiana! Plus what Jeff is drinking these days(most likely
Beast Ice), and pictures of him and his socks.