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I squeezed your hand when you opened the door.
You looked at me with tears in your eyes and asked if I was sure.
I was so afraid of what was inside.
But you told me we'd be ok, just swallow my pride.
I walked in and took a seat.

You sat down and kissed me on the cheek.
I looked at you and saw a tear.
I told you we should leave, we don't belong here.
You cried in my arms, and I cried in yours.
They called my name and we walked through the doors.
They told us I'd be ok, and I should get some rest today.
They took me to THE room, and for the last time I looked at you.
I whispered, "I love you" and you told me you loved me too.
I woke up with you by my side.
And when I relized I was OK, I wished I would have died.
My baby,
my baby boy.
You could have brought me so much JOY.
But I had your life taken away from you.
I -WAS- sure it was the rite thing to do.