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Part Book Diagram

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I am doing lots of research on the '66 Valiant model parts.  I would welcome any help on this subject.

Item Part Number Other Use Supplier
Washer Jug 2497502 '67-69 A-body with foot pump Many - Year One, Koller Dodge
Door Panels 3170BOX - Black R

3171BOX - Black L

  None? They are not the same as the '66 Barracuda
Left Grille 2579902 All American '66 Valiants Central Jersey Motor Parts
Dash Pad 4239BX9 - Black All American '66 Valiants Just Dashes will repair them
Arm Rest Base 1208BX9 - Black R

1209BX9 - Black L

'63-66 A-body ?? Check with Laysons
Arm Rest Pad 1216AX9 - Black R

1217AX9 - Black L

'63-66 A-body ?? Just Dashes & Laysons will repair them

If you know the part number you can use to find a vendor

Layson's Restorations

Specializing in A-body Mopars
4204 Auburn Way N. Suite #5
Auburn, Washington 98002

Hours: 7am - 5pm Weekdays, 9am-5pm Saturday (Pacific Time)
(877) 930-4088 Toll-Free within US
(253) 630-4088 Direct Line for Outside US calls
(253) 630-4065 Dedicated 24 hour Fax Line

[Seat covers, Tail light lenses (all 3), Parking lenses, may other parts. Layson is the best source for A body parts. Always check with them first!!!]


I will be adding a list of 1966 Valiant parts that I know are available in reproduction soon. If you can help, please let me know of the parts and vendors.


My Parts Car

I picked up a VL41D [ Valiant 100 four Door with a 273 V8 - 1 of  692 ]