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Cogill's World!

Welcome to my (Cogill's) world. There's alotta random and odd stuff here. Take some time and check it out. Its updated at random basically, I go in spurts with it. But its all very interesting if you check things out. This picture is me at Late Night Olympics in January... um, yeah.

Last Updated: 12-18-03: A new "ND days' pics" page has been added! Check it out dude!

3-14-04: Spring Semester Pics added, front page updated.

3-22-04: New Thought Added

Other sites of mine

What it looks like inside my head.
My Quote Pages
Cogill's Poll
Me, Pictures, Etc
Funny websites - Great for When You're Bored
My Friends'/My writings
My thoughts and theories on anything, mostly Life in general
All about Music! But, from Cogill's point of view!
My Friends' websites
Results of past polls
Fun IMs!
ND Pics, Fall Semester Freshman! (new)
ND Pics, Spring Semester Freshman! (new)

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