Writing Done by Me or My Friends
Under Construction.... submissions appreciated :)
Breaking Me Down
By "Zero"
i guess you
breaking me down
is probably easier than death
whenever i walk past you
i feel like i'm in s l o w m o t i o n
on a tightrope
over eggshells
every time you look at me
it feels like you're laughing
because it's so ridiculous
for me to want to be
close to you
my face burns of embarrassment
my body's burning pain
tears will well so much
my eyes turn emerald green
i won't cry though
because if you laugh, others will see
how much it hurts
to be in love
...like me
By "Zero"
across the miles
across all the nights
gone black
i'm thinking of you still
across the dreaming
and through the nightmares
it feels like something worth believing
across the mourning
across the time
some things
never change
On A Night Like This
By "Zero"
on a night like this
i could write a thousand songs
and they'd all be about you
all the stars in the sky
are like your eyes
all the wind on my skin
is like being held by you
on a night like this
it feels like we are together
By Me
Falling through the grey sky
Filling my dream to one-day fly
Airborne and carefree
Not a worry I could see
The ground i saw didn't end.
I whizzed past old buddies and friends
Shouted out a friendly "hallo!"
But soon i noticed a red dot below
This dot grew- 'twas very big
Then I knew it- a big rig!
I was heading straight for the truck
Figured to myself, " 'Tis just my luck!"
As the big hulk drew near
I trembled and shivered in mortal fear
There was no redemption in sight
This would be my last flight!
Then the truck roared away
In its wake, a puddle lay!
I dove on in, with a plop
For such is the life of a raindrop!
Never Know
By Me
I wanna take her by the hand
Take her to a new land
A beach of fine white sand
But She'll Never Know
Sip a soda from two straws
A secluded spot, there we'd pause
And we'd rewrite the old laws
But She'll Never Know
Run in the open, out and free
Sit together, let ourselves be
Stare silently toward the open sea
But She'll Never Know
Follow where she may go
Through icy fields full of snow
Rid her of all sorrow
All this so she may know...
By Me
Here I am
Here I’ll be
Trapped in space
Trapped in time
I heard of a place
Though I don’t know where.
If I find the path
Will I follow it?
I see the path
In the distance.
They hold me back.
Say I can’t go.
I’ll never get there.
I’m not allowed.
But in the end
We’ll just see
Who’s trapped in space
Trapped in time
Trapped in life.
And who is free.
The Lost Path
By John Donahue
The Lost Path beckons,
I must heed the call.
The road ahead is long and dark,
The shadows very tall.
I know not where I travel to,
Instinct- my only guide.
Death himself walks next to me,
The Reaper by my side.
My sword lays silent now,
No fighting to be done.
For when they were all struck down,
I knew I had to run.
No-the war is over now-
Now my saga ends.
For now the dead are my only allies,
The Damned my only friends.
A Song by Kristen Kissinger
I tried to give a little more than I ownd today
And I ended up owning a better me.
Momma always tells me you only get what you give,
I'll always tell you you get what you recieve.
She doesn't believe me
She doesn't understand me
I talk a little fast, her mind's a little slow
She's a little sorry
She's oh so very sorry
She don't know when to stop,
she don't know where to go
Oh, go
East to the mountains, west to the sea
Go to the stars that blanket over me
You can climb the mountains, swim in the sea
But that don't mean any of it's free
I said to him "Get a hold of yourself" and he told me
he loved me
And now we're in love so he put down the knife
Pappa always tells me there's more to life than music
All I know is he's a lot like his wife
They don't believe me
They'll never understand me
Because I'm no little girl finished off with a bow
They can't find their throne
Because I burned down their throne
And what do you know, the fools didn't know where to go.
Oh, go
East to the mountains, west to the sea
Go to the stars that blanket over me
You can climb the mountains, swim in the sea
Another Song by Kristen Kissenger
And I'll fill my room with inscense
I burn
So I can hide
And cry over you so hard
I choke.
And you'll feel around the room
For me
You will find me
And ask why I cry. I'll say
It's just the smoke.
And I'll kick out the window frame
Push me out.
I want to see if I can fly-
Now, on a completely different note :)
Little flower
By "Sive"
Wraped in color and in light,
Surrounded by the deepest night
Hidden always inside of me.
somewhere others can not see.
Sometimes small and sometimes large.
Not always notied but even in charge.
Even in the darkest hour.
I can rely on my little growing flower
-of hope.
By "Sive"
Some see it as a reality, here present
in each and every person.
If only they reach out an show thier dream to others.
Some see it as a fiction produced by idle
minds and enchanted dreamers.
Never to be except in grandest hopes.
Some see it as a possibilty.
Combining reality with the stuff of dreams.
Taking ther time to find a route that might work,
and lead us all down the road to peace.
By "Sive"
Pink light glows through the ‘scape
changing, dimming, fading
Red to Orange to Blue to Purple to Black
Night engulfs the sky,
leaving only the stars
dimly winking, frozen high above me.
As I lay watching the sun slowly set upon another summer day.
The Gates Of Hell
By John Donahue
The Gates of Hell doth open Wide,
And four Foul Horsemen Traverse to the Earthly side.
Famine, Pestilence, Death, and War,
All in there Path shall be no more.
Hunger spreads, disease does too,
Millions die, like me and you.
War begins, missiles rise,
Populations decrease in size.
The Flame of life, it flickers out,
As the dying give a final shout.
We need a deed to feed the Flame,
But none come forth. What a shame.
It is over, it is done,
While it lasted, Life was fun.
But it's all gone now, and we must come to grips,
That this is final, this Apocalypse