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Day Family Genealogy

of The 1800's and Earlier

It has been many years since this page has been updated however, I am going to at least attempt to update this year


Feel free to use any information on the following pages for your own
personal research. NO portions of the following pages may be copied
or reproduced in any way in order that the information may be included in
works or publications for sale unless you first obtain permission
from the individuals listed as submitters on the top of each page.
If there is no submitter listed, no information on that page may be reproduced or included in any publication offered for sale.

This page is the product of alot of hard work and time,
given so generously by many "DAYS" and descendants of many "DAYS" from
various lines.
This page has been a huge success and has helped many people find their lines
because of your hard work. I am proud of all of you for the page you have built
and your acts of kindness to each other and willingness to share whatever
information you may have whether or not it be from your own "DAY" line.
I think we can all be proud of our "DAY" heritage no matter which line we are from
or which country our line originates in.

Click the following link to access all DAY information:

Main Page

If you have information that you would like to share with others,
and would like that information posted on the page, please read the following

and comply with all guidelines listed in such.