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Letter to Charles H. Day:

Sydenham, May 24th, 1910.

Dear Brother. 
Suppose you are looking for an answer to your letter which I
should have attended to before. Here is an exact copy of father's will. I am
sending one to Dan [Damon O. Day]. If you find any fault in it don't lay it
to me. Father wanted me to say what or how I thought he ought to divide the
estate and I told him I would not think of having one thing to do or say
about it. I told him the property was his and to divide it as he saw fit
which he did.  I never read the will until about a month ago and I never
knew I had any interest to pay or I would have paid it to you and the rest
before. You see I have $198 interest to pay with the $2200 besides $400 to
Fred which I borrowed from him when I built the barn. You see I am in debt
$2800 and some other little accounts which will make nearly $3000 which I
never expect to see paid. You see Mother has use of the house and all there
is in it as long as she lives. You see I could not sell the place if I
wanted to. Now take out the time I have worked here since I came home and
what I have to pay. How much will I have left. I consider I am the bigest
[sic] fool ever was.  So I thought that while I had to borrow to pay him I
may as well borrow enough to pay the rest. Yes wife and I do live quite
contented together. We will make some photoes taken before long and will
send you one.
Write soon. Love to all, Bail.
Write soon and let me know how this suits.
Don't worry about Mother. I will not see her want for any thing as long as I
have a cent left. She certainly has been a dear good Mother. I am sure it
was her prayers that helped me to lead a different life. Joe, if we let
Mother's God be our God and live good Christians as she has lived and is
living we may all meet together in Heaven where there will be no more
trouble or sorrow. She always asks God to remember the dear ones for away in
the morning when she prays, and to protect and shield them from all harm.
Yes She is a Dear good Mother.
Write soon.
