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Links To Other Sites Containing Information On "Canadian Days"

If you know of any web sites that contain Days from Canada and would like to submit the
link, please email me at:

As of 6/04, links added will only be lines for which the first individual
listed was born in Canada. Following will be a brief migration description
for the Country/State in which the Descendants migrated. Be sure to check
all pages shown in the description to see if the line continues

Lunenburg Births, Marriages, and Deaths
(Canada, Nova Scotia)

Don's Line

Megan Lynch's Roots

Miles Line
Robert > John > John > Abraham > Ephraim > Abraham > Abraham >
Ephraim > Norman > Muriel (my grandmother)
I'm making an on-line version of my family tree.
Just right click to zoom and pan.

New Brunswick Genealogy Links
Excellent NB links site, tons of information. For instance,
the first link I checked, (after clicking Gloucester county)
Deaths of 1830 I find Sunday, Ont.11/1840, at age 22 1/2 years,
Jane wife of John Day Esq.,she died suddenly at Paspebiac, she was
daughter of William Johnston Ameno (Munro) of Caraquet..

Personal Homepages

Gaspe Roots
Scroll down and you will see: The Day Family of Quebec & England

The Dea Family in Canada

A Page Of All Sorts

