Generation. 1 1. JOHN1 DAY was born 1725 in Virginia, and died Bet. 1766 - 1768. He married BETHLEHEM BOWLING February 21, 1746/47 in Overwhart on Parish, Stafford Cty, Virginia. She was born Abt. 1725 in Virginia. Children of JOHN DAY and BETHLEHEM BOWLING are: i. JOHN2 DAY, b. Bet. 1748 - 1755. ii. WILLIAM DAY, b. Bef. 1756. 2. iii. FRANCIS DAY, b. 1765, Caswell Co., North Caroline; d. February 20, 1816, Person Cty, North Carolina. iv. HENRY DAY, b. Bet. 1761 - 1765; d. 1839, Sumner Cty, Tennessee. v. PHILLIP DAY, b. April 16, 1762; d. September 09, 1834, Smith Cty, Tenneessee. 3. vi. ISSAC DAY, b. 1770, Caswell Cty, North Carolina; d. January 05, 1815, Sumner Cty, Tennessee. Generation No. 2 2. FRANCIS2 DAY (JOHN1) was born 1765 in Caswell Co., North Caroline1, and died February 20, 1816 in Person Cty, North Carolina. He married JINCY JANE FARMER2 Abt. 1787, daughter of SAMUEL FARMER and CASSANDRA HOLEMAN. She was born 1766 in Person Co, North Carolina, and died February 20, 1851 in Person Cty, North Carolina. Notes for FRANCIS DAY: From the tax listing , St. James District, Person Cty, North Carolina 1814 taxable property list, Captain Day's D, 1816 Will in Person Cty, North Carolina (Bk 6, p 126) In about 1778, Francis Day served as a Private in a volunteer regiment in granville, which was commanded by Col. Archibald Leightle. Said regiment met at Granville Courthouse, now the town of Oxford. During his enlistment, Francis Day marched through Hillsborough to Greensborough onto Salisbury. In about 1780, he served in the State of Georgia, under Col. Thomas Farmer, a cousin of his wife, Jane. Francis Day obtained formal title to 144 acres of land July 24, 1801 from William Paine. The land was sold for 150 pounds, 144 acres on both sides of Deep Creek, beginning at a white oak in Craven's line (witnessed by William Yarborough Senr. and William Yarborough Junr.). On November 23, 1807, Francis purchased another 80 adjoining acres from Paine for $160 (witnessed by John Day Senr. and J. Bumpass). Together these constituted the 224 acres that francis left to his widow and which eventually passed to his youngest son, John. Last Will and Testament of Francis Day: In the name of God Amen, I Francis Day of Person County State of North carolina being thro the abundant mercy and goodness of God, tho weak in body, yet of sound and perfect understanding and memory do constitute this my last will and Testament. Imprimis I will that all my debts and funeral charges be paid. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Day ten shillings. I unto Nathaniel Day my son one Sorrel mare. Item , I do give and bequeath unto Jane Day my loving wife all the rest of my goods and chattles, lands and Tenements, with all my household furniture during her life or widowhood. Also it is my will that my said wife should give to each of my daughters, mary, Behatha and Casandra one feather bed and furniture and one horse. Also to give my four sons Issac, Francis, William and John one horse a piece whenever arriving at the age of Twenty one years. Also to give to each of my sons excepting Samuel one feather bed. Last I make and Constitute John Day Junr Executor and Jane Day my said wife Exectruix this 18th day of February, 1816. (Signed) Francis Day (Followed by his "mark") Witnessed by: Phillip Obriant Thomas Clayton Eleven days later, on February 29, 1816, an inventory was recorded by the Executor and Executrix and Francis Day was by then deceased. Inventory of Property of Francis Day: Land, two hundred and twenty acres. Stock: Four head of horses, eleven head of cattle, two sheep, seven sows with forty pigs, nineteen geese, fourteen ducks. House Furniture: one walnut chest of draws, one table, one trunk, two plain pine chest, one pine table, six featherbeds and furniture, six bed steeds, eight sitting chairs, one shot gun, one man sadle, two women's three bridles, two cotton wheels, two flax, four cotton card, flat irons, two sets of knives and forks, one Bible, two Testaments and four spelling books, one looking glass, one Stone Jug, one case bottle two decanters, three glass tumblers, two meal sifters. Pewter: Three dishes, three basons, nine plates and fifteen soup spoons. Earthen ware: Seven paltes, one set Cups and Saucers, one tea pot. Dirtware: four dishes, one pickle pot, once crock, one pitcher, one bason, three cups. One pair of sheep shears, one cloth shears, three pair scissors. kitchen Furniture: four slays, five pair of Harneses, three shuttle, one large pot, two pair pot hooks, one oven, one kettle, one lot with eleven barrles, two washing tubs, one churn, one tub with fifty pounds soap, six gallons of hogs lard tools: one grind stone, six axes, two mattocks, three plows, two coulters, six hiling hoes, one pair Iron wedges, one broken set of shoe tools, five reap hooks, one Sithe and Cradle, one cutting box, and two knives, one draw knife and four augers, one chisel and one gouge and four bells, one sack salt. Cash: Three hundred and a half dollars Meat: One Thousand Lb(?) in pork and bacon; or there abouts. Corn, thirty five or forty barrels; wheat, forty bushels, one oat stack of about 30 bushel. Ten pounds of iron, one steel trap, seven bushels of shells, about forty pounds of cotton, a parcel of undressed flax, one open pine box, three raw hides, four vials, one small bottle with turpentine, two pair spectacles one steel case, four pair knitting needles, three bridle bitts, three cloveses (?), three collars, two pounds of wool, three dollars owing Bumpass, a small parcel of Tan leather, to 375 foot of plank, to one hundred fifty punds of under tobacca, to one coat brush and a set of shoe brushes, to 700 Shingles, one cury lanb, one basket. The foregoing of this inventory it contains a true account of all the property of Francis Day Deceast. (Signed) John Day Junr Jane Day This was sent to Terrie Cooper-Piper via internet from Raymond Day of England. 1999 Children of FRANCIS DAY and JINCY FARMER are: i. MARY3 DAY, b. 1788, Caswell Co., North Carolina. ii. BETHETHLEM HETHY DAY, b. 1791, Person Cty, North Carolina; m. ROMOLOUS DANIEL, December 07, 1836, Person Cty, North Carolina. iii. ARCHIDBALD DAY, b. April 24, 1793, Orange Cty, North Carolina; d. March 23, 1879, Lawrence Cty, Indiana; m. RUTH WOODY, April 13, 1820, Hillsborough, Orange Cty, North Carolina. More About ARCHIDBALD DAY: Burial: Crawford Cemetery,S., Lawrence, Indiana iv. CASSANDRA DAY, b. June 15, 1793, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. June 08, 1873, Person, Co., North Carolina; m. GRIFFIN JONES, September 11, 1817, Person Cty, North Carolina. More About CASSANDRA DAY: Burial: Jones Family Cemetery, Roxboro, North Carolina v. FRANCIS DAY, b. 1795, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. 1848, Caswell Cty, North Carolina; m. PHEBY PHOEBE LEA, November 19, 1823, Person Cty, North Carolina; b. Abt. 1790. vi. ISSAC DAY, b. Bef. 1800, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. 1834, Person Cty, North Carolina; m. MARY "POLLY" BUMPAS, March 04, 1822, Person Cty, North Carolina. 4. vii. WILLIAM DAY, b. 1802, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1865, Person Cty, North Carolina. 5. viii. JOHN DAY, b. 1804, Person Cty, North Carolina. ix. NATHANIEL DAY, b. 1806, Person Co., North Carolina. x. SAMUEL DAY, b. 1808, Person, Co., North Carolina. 3. ISSAC2 DAY (JOHN1) was born 1770 in Caswell Cty, North Carolina, and died January 05, 1815 in Sumner Cty, Tennessee. He married JEEN OAKLEY February 26, 1791 in Caswell County, North Carolina3. She died March 08, 18114. More About JEEN OAKLEY: Fact 1: Name may be "Jennie." Children of ISSAC DAY and JEEN OAKLEY are: i. ANNA3 DAY, b. January 25, 1792, Person County, North Carolina5; d. February 06, 1893, Trousdale County, Tennessee5; m. ALLEN ROBERTSON, 18145. More About ALLEN ROBERTSON: Fact 1: Allen was the brother of Francis' wife Holly ii. LISSIE DAY, b. October 31, 1793. 6. iii. FRANCIS B. DAY, b. December 10, 1795, Person County, North Carolina; d. August 24, 1838, Wayne County, Illinois. iv. JESSE B. DAY, b. 1797, Person County, North Carolina5; d. 1843, Wayne County, Ill5; m. MELINDA FILES, February 09, 1819, White County, Illinois5. More About MELINDA FILES: Fact 1: September 02, 1819, Another marriage date for them v. THOMAS J. DAY, b. June 08, 1802, Person County, North Carolina6; d. January 25, 18636; m. MARY A. HART, March 19, 1832, Sumner County, Tennessee7. vi. ISSAC DAY JR., b. March 13, 1805, Person County, North Carolina8; d. 1885, Tennessee9; m. ELIZABETH SCOTT, December 17, 1827. Generation No. 3 4. WILLIAM3 DAY (FRANCIS2, JOHN1) was born 1802 in Person Cty, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1865 in Person Cty, North Carolina. He married MARY HARGIT August 19, 1824 in Person Cty, North Carolina. She was born Abt. 1800. Notes for WILLIAM DAY: Family tradition says that William "Billy" Day was a wealthy planter in Person Cty, North Carolina who killed himself after losing the Civil War. Children of WILLIAM DAY and MARY HARGIT are: i. ABRAM4 DAY, b. 1825; m. RACHEL LEE, November 05, 1865. ii. ELIZABETH DAY, b. 1828. iii. BEHETHELEM DAY, b. 1830. iv. ISSAC DAY, b. 1832. v. JACOB DAY, b. 1834. vi. MARTHA DAY, b. 1836; m. SANDERS COUSINS, December 30, 1858. vii. MARY DAY, b. 1839; m. STEPHEN DAY, October 19, 1863; b. 1835. 7. viii. JANE DAY, b. May 12, 1827. 5. JOHN3 DAY (FRANCIS2, JOHN1) was born 1804 in Person Cty, North Carolina. He married (1) JANE SWEENEY January 19, 1824 in Person Cty, North Carolina. He married (2) MARY COZART July 07, 1830. She was born 1808. Children of JOHN DAY and MARY COZART are: i. SARAH4 DAY, b. 1839. ii. FRANCES DAY, b. 1841. iii. THOMAS DAY, b. 1843. iv. JAMES DAY, b. 1845. v. JOHN DAY, b. 1848. vi. ARCHIBALD DAY, b. 1851. vii. GEORGE DAY, b. 1857. 6. FRANCIS B.3 DAY (ISSAC2, JOHN1) was born December 10, 1795 in Person County, North Carolina10, and died August 24, 1838 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married HOLLY ROBERTSON August 05, 1813 in Sumner County, Tennessee11. She was born May 30, 179512, and died June 14, 1871. Notes for FRANCIS B. DAY: Another birth date shown for Francis is 10/12/1792 More About FRANCIS B. DAY: Fact 1: Buried in "Day" cemetery in Wayne Co.,Ill Fact 2: Francis served in the War of 1812, 1st Regiment of Fact 3: Tennessee Volunteers, Capt. Abraham's Fact 4: Bledsoe's Company.13 Notes for HOLLY ROBERTSON: More About HOLLY ROBERTSON: Fact 1: Buried in "Day" cemetery in Wayne Co.,Ill Fact 2: May 08, 1813, Another marriage date shown for them Children of FRANCIS DAY and HOLLY ROBERTSON are: i. JANE4 DAY, b. 1814, Sumner County, Tennessee13; d. 186913; m. NATHAN MARTIN. ii. MARTHA DAY, b. 1817, Tennessee13; d. August 16, 1843; m. EDWARD BUTLER. 8. iii. MARY ANN DAY, b. November 20, 1820, Tennessee; d. May 18, 1892, Wayne Cty, Illinois. iv. JAMES M. DAY, b. 1824, Sumner County, Tennessee13; d. 1864; m. (1) MARY MARGARET HALL, Abt. 1848; b. Bet. 1832 - 1833, Illinois; d. Aft. 1870, Wayne Cty, Illinois; m. (2) MARY MARGARET HALL, Abt. 1848; b. Bet. 1832 - 1833, Illinois; d. Aft. 1870, Wayne Cty, Illinois. v. ELIZABETH DAY, b. 182513; d. 1870; m. ULYSSES N. NEEL. vi. JOHN FRANCIS DAY, b. August 15, 1827; d. 1863, during or in the Civil War; m. MARY M. (?). More About JOHN FRANCIS DAY: Fact 1: Died in Civil War13 vii. ISSAC THOMAS DAY, b. October 27, 1829, Wayne County, Ill13; d. January 12, 1906, Turner, Oregon13; m. HERRIET E. HERRICK, May 27, 1861, North Fork, Trinity Co., California13. More About ISSAC THOMAS DAY: Fact 1: December 01, 1906, Another death date for him viii. MARCUS R. DAY, b. September 13, 1832, Wayne County, Ill13; d. March 12, 191013; m. RACHEL FILES, December 26, 185413. ix. CHARLES WILLIAMSON DAY, b. 1836, Wayne County, Ill13; d. Aft. 188313. x. SARAH W. DAY, b. 1837, Wayne County, Ill13; d. March 04, 1874, Wayne County, Ill13; m. JOHN JESSUP, Abt. 185513. More About SARAH W. DAY: Fact 1: April 03, 1874, Another death date for her Generation No. 4 7. JANE4 DAY (WILLIAM3, FRANCIS2, JOHN1) was born May 12, 1827. She married (2) TOMMY HARRIS. He was born 1839. Child of JANE DAY is: i. LULA GRAY5 DAY, b. January 06, 1865, Mt. Tirzah, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. April 13, 1956, Person Cty, North Carolina Buried Surl Primitive Bapt. Church; m. JOHN GARY CHANDLER, January 31, 1883, Person Cty, North Carolina; b. February 17, 1858, Mt. Tirzah, Person Cty, North Carolina; d. March 07, 1933, Person Cty, North Carolina Buried Surl Primitive Bapt. Church. Notes for LULA GRAY DAY: The father of Lula Gray Day is unknown. Family tradition says he was a Confederate solider who was killed in battle before he could marry his sweetheart, Jane Day. Child of JANE DAY and TOMMY HARRIS is: ii. MARY B.5 HARRIS. 8. MARY ANN4 DAY (FRANCIS B.3, ISSAC2, JOHN1) was born November 20, 1820 in Tennessee14, and died May 18, 1892 in Wayne Cty, Illinois15. She married DAVID LEWIS HALL August 24, 1836 in Wayne County, Illinois16, son of JAMES HALL and JANE CHUM. He was born November 16, 1818 in Maury County, Tennessee16, and died September 04, 1897 in Boyleston, Wayne Cty, Ill17. Notes for MARY ANN DAY: It is known that this couple had five other children who were dead by 1884. She is buried in the "Day" Cemetery, Grover Township More About MARY ANN DAY: Fact 1: It is believed that Mary Ann is believed to Fact 2: be an American Indian. Notes for DAVID LEWIS HALL: Per Wayne County, Illinois History Book: David grew to manhood in Wayne Cty, Illinois, and his schooling advantages were one month in an old subscription school. He remained on the home farm until about 18 years old, and then commenced life on a farm near where his father was then residing. He afterward moved to his farm in Section 17, of Big Mound Township, where he is now residing. He married Mary Ann Day and this union resulted in 13 children, of whom 8 are now living as of this article. viz: Hallie Jane (wife of Jesse Garrison) W.F. Hall,) J.S.C. Hall, Elizabeth (wife of G. Davis), Thomas, Margaret(wife of S.Farney) Rose (wife of C. Fankle), and Ida Bell Hall. More About DAVID LEWIS HALL: Fact 1: farmer, residing in Section 17, Big Mound,Ill Fact 2: Bet. 1836 - 1839, Lived in Greene Cty, Ill. Marriage Notes for MARY DAY and DAVID HALL: It is known that this couple had five other children who were dead by 1884. Children of MARY DAY and DAVID HALL are: i. ELIZABETH5 HALL18, m. G. DAVIS; b. 19. ii. MAHALA JANE HALL, b. March 28, 1839, Wayne County, Illinois20; d. April 27, 1923, Hamilton County, Illinois; m. (1) JESSE MITCHELL GARRISON, April 12, 185621; b. March 22, 1836, Illinois (?); d. October 01, 1899, Hamilton County, Illinois; m. (2) HARDY R. POWELL, July 05, 1901, Hamilton County, Illinois; m. (3) WILLIAM G. KARNEY, December 30, 1907, Hamilton County, Illinois. More About MAHALA JANE HALL: Fact 1: Nicknames: Hallie & Hollie iii. MARTHA A. HALL, b. February 03, 1840, Illinois; d. April 27, 1872, Wayne Cty, Illinois22; m. M.JESSE WISE. Notes for MARTHA A. HALL: Buried "Day" Cemetery in Grover Township More About MARTHA A. HALL: Fact 1: l iv. WILLIAM FRANCIS HALL, b. December 06, 1841, Big Mound Twp,Wayne Cty, Ill.23; d. August 19, 1925, Wayne Cty, Illinois Buried Victory Cemetery24; m. (1) HARRIETT D. NEWEL, July 1862, Wayne County, Ill.; m. (2) HANNAH EMMA NORMAN, April 07, 1868, Wayne County, Illinois25; m. (3) ALICE LOY OR LOG, 1921. Notes for WILLIAM FRANCIS HALL: Per Wayne Cty, Illinois History Book: (As written) W.F. received his early education from a subscription school, but afterward, when the free schools had been established in his township, he at home with his father until about 20. In that time he had learned partially the trade of a carpenter, but did not get to follow it much. In 1862, he went to Idaho, and remained there about a year. He returned to this county and settled in the north part of Big Mound Township. And there remained until 1868. He next came to his present farm, where he owns about 180 acres, 100 of which are in Section 17 and 20, and eighty acres in Sections 21, and 33 of Township 2S, R7E, 100 acres are in cultivation and about three acres in orchard. Mr. Hall was married in this county in 1868. Mr. Hall served as member of the county Board of Supervisors, Township Collector, Assessor and Highway Commissioner. They were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and in politics Mr. Hall was a Democrat. v. JERRET SYLVESTER C. HALL, b. December 03, 1843, Wayne County, Illinois26; d. February 24, 1923, Wayne County, Ill. Buried Bovee Cemetery27; m. HIGHLEY FINLEY, Bef. 1868; b. 1843; d. June 30, 189528. vi. JOHN THOMAS HALL, b. 1846, Big Mound Township, Illinois( Wayne County)29; d. June 12, 1887, Boyleston, Wayne Cty, Ill; m. NANCY CAROLINE LANE, Kentucky (?)29; b. 1848, Kentucky29; d. Bet. 1910 - 191129. Notes for JOHN THOMAS HALL: According to Illinois State Archives in Springfield, Illinois, Thomas Hall has a Civil War service Record with the following information: Rank: Private Recruit Unit Company K., 49th Illinois Infantry Age: 20 Height: 5'5" Hair Brown Eyes: Blue Complexion:Fair Martial Status: Single Occupation: Farmer Nativity: town County: Jefferson State: Illinois Joined for service and enrolled: When:January 15, 1864 Term: 3 years Where: Memphis, Tenn. By Whom: Lt. Falney Mustered in to Service: When:September 9, 1865 Where: Paducah, Kentucky By Whom: Captain Shaw Appointed to Corporal on March 1, 1865. Where: Memphis, Tennessee By Whom: Lt. Falney Residence" town County: Jefferson State: Illinois Remarks: Re-enlisted as a veteran Re-enlisted Veteran information: Rank" Private-Veteran Unit Company K., 49th Illinois Infantry Age:20 Height: 5'5" Hair Brown Eyes: blue Complexion: fair Occupation:farmer County: Jefferson Stae:Illinois Nativity: town Joined for service and enrolled: When: Jan. 15, 1864 Term: 3 years Where: Memphis, Tennessee BY Whom: Lt. Lemmon Mustered into Service: When: January 23, 1864 Where: Memphis, Tennessee By Whom: Lt. Falney Residence: Town: Knox Prairie County: Jefferson State: Illinois Mustered Out: When: September 9, 1865 Where: Paducah, Kentucky By Whom: Captain Shaw Remarks: Appointed to Corporal on March 1, 1865. vii. MARY ELIZABETH HALL, b. October 20, 1848, Wayne County, Illinois30; d. April 16, 1910, Pleasant Grove Cemetery,Barnhill Twp., Wayne Cty, Ill; m. (1) GIBSON B. DAVIS, Bef. 1869; b. September 25, 1842; d. March 18, 1904, Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Barnhill Twp., Ill; m. (2) HENRY KINCART, November 20, 1907; b. Abt. 1832. viii. HENRY F. HALL, b. March 21, 1850, Wayne County, Ill31; d. April 01, 1852, Wayne County, Ill32. More About HENRY F. HALL: Fact 1: Buried in "Day" cemetery in Wayne Co.,Ill ix. HENRIETTA C. HALL, b. March 1854, Wayne County, Ill.; d. July 28, 1856, Wayne County, Ill. Buried Day Cemetery33. x. MARGARET F. HALL, b. Abt. 1856, Big Mound Twp,Wayne Cty, Ill.34; d. Aft. 1884; m. S. FARNEY, October 01, 1874, Wayne County, Illinois35; b. 1854, Ohio; d. Aft. 1881. xi. OLIVE HALL, b. April 1858, Wayne County, Ill.; d. November 11, 1859, Wayne County, Ill. Buried Day Cemetery. xii. JAMES HALL, b. Abt. 1860, Wayne County, Ill.; d. Aft. 1870. More About JAMES HALL: Fact 1: James was a twin of Rosetta xiii. ROSETTA E. HALL, b. 1860, Wayne County, Ill.36; d. Aft. 1884; m. CHARLES FANKLE, January 188237; b. Abt. 1858. More About ROSETTA E. HALL: Fact 1: She was a twin of James xiv. IDA BELL HALL, b. Bet. 1861 - 1862, Wayne County, Ill.38; d. Aft. 1887, Wayne County, Ill.; m. JOHN A. CARSON, May 03, 1887, Wayne Cty, Illinois39; b. Abt. 1855. Notes for IDA BELL HALL: Note: The 1870 Federal Census of Wayne Cty, Illinois, Elm River Township shows a Ida B. Hall , age 8 Born in Illinois living with a Gibson B. Davis family. Not sure of it is the same Ida as this one??? In the 1880 Federal Census, it does not show Ida living with the Gibson B. Davis family. xv. CHARLES HALL, b. April 1862, Wayne County, Ill.; d. July 05, 1864, Wayne County, Ill. Buried Day Cemetery39. xvi. DEMPSAY HALL, b. January 1864, Wayne County, Ill.; d. October 13, 1865, Wayne County, Ill. Buried Day Cemetery39. Endnotes 1. 1790 Caswell Cty NC Census. 2. Joyce Thompson/internet/ 3. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 4. "Day Bible Records" owned by Sam Polk Jr Nashville, Tenn. in 1959 5. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 6. "Day Bible Records" owned by Sam Polk Jr Nashville, Tenn. in 1959 7. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 8. "Day Bible Records" owned by Sam Polk Jr Nashville, Tenn. in 1959 9. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 10. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 3) Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 11. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 12. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 13. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 14. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago3) Hall Cemetery Records,Wayne Cty, Ill 15. Halls Cemetery Records, Wayne Cty, Ill/1997 16. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 17. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997 18. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 19. History of Wayne & Clay Counties, Illinois, Published by Globe Publishing Co., 1884, Chicago, Ill 20. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 21. Internet/email address Paws63/1997 22. Halls Cemetery Records, Wayne Cty, Ill/1997 23. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 24. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 25. Internet/email address Paws63/1997 26. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 27. Internet/email address Paws63/1997 28. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997 29. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 30. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997 31. Kathe Curless/Peoria, Ill/1997 32. Halls Cemetery Records, Wayne Cty, Ill/1997 33. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997 34. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 35. Internet/email address Paws63/1997 36. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 37. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997 38. 1) Compiled by Margaret Wonnacott, Cupertino, California 1971-1973 2) "History of Wayne & Clay Counites, Illinois" Published by Globe Publishing Co. 1884, Chicago 39. Sharon Fry Johnson/1997