I found this listed in the local library in copies of the "Tennessee Genealogy Society" "Ansearchin News" 1966 book: Bear Creek Cemetery, Pinson, Madison County, Tn The cemetery was originally a family burial ground on the Samuel Davis farm. The land was given to the Bear Creek Methodist Church in 1880. One head stone list: Bertha Day Weaver (no date on headstone) **************************************** 1954-1959 book: Page 189 (59-168) George N. Day married Phobe Ford, daughter of Wiley Ford and Eliza (sumitted by Jane Sherwood 106 East 37th St. Bosie,Idaho) Page 174 Thomas Cordle died May 1846 in the state of Mo. married Rachel Day living in Mo. in 1860. This listing states both were from Tennessee before moving to Mo. ************************************************ Family Records from Cossitt Library, Memphis,Tn. Bible records: Green Horton Bynum son of William & Winnifred (Horton) Bynum married April 19,1838 to Nancy Ann Day ************************************************** Abstracts from the Records of the Cherokee Indian Agency in Tennessee 1801-18-0 (July 29, 1801-Oct. 28,1804) Cherokee Agency Pass Book. (records of passes issued by indian agent to travelers desiring to go through, settle in, or trade in Cherokee country: Jeremiah Day Note:There are no Census records for the State of Tennessee for the year 1800, so this is a good record to place the whereabouts of Jeremiah Day ******************************************************* 1966 book: Claibokne County, Tennessee Pensioners List 1883 Nancy Day: Post office, Sping Dale Cause for which Pensioned: widow 1812, $8.00 date of original allowance Sept 1878 ******************************************************** 1967 book: Roane County, Tennessee Chancery Court Records Pages 183-188 December Term 1825 William Trigg & Abram Trigg v. Rufus Mrogan & Abram Trigg list "Francis Day" as being employed by the house of Trigg & Morgan. ***********************************************************