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Due to the generosity of Sybil Butler from Texas,
I have the wonderful fortune of having in my possesion, the Bible
of Lucy Day, born 1756 and her husband Benjamin Chamberlin. Lucy descends
from Robert Day of Hartford Ct., and her line is as follows:

(If you find this is your direct line, please email me at dayfamilygenealogy@yahoo.comz)

Robert > John > John > Benjamin > Adonijah > Lucy

The Bible is very large and the following are the pages in the Bible which
holds their family information. This is a truly wonderful discovery and I am
very grateful to Sybil for taking the time to find the Day family.
At this time, we do not have any descendants of Lucy listed in our descendants list,
but do have descendants of her sisters. Hopefully someone who descends from Lucy will
someday find our lines and their connection to us.

Page 1
Benjamin Chamberlin died in Amsterdam N.Y.
and Lucy Day b. 1756 died in Lima NY Sept 16, 1848
married in 1780
Their Children:
1st Benjamin Chamberlin
3rd Erial
5th Levi Chamberlin
Charles                                    (These names were in far right hand side)
4th Sally m. J. Chamberlin         They line up with the girls so I assume they are spouses.
Lucy                                           G. Glaser
Clarissa                                      Arnold Godfrey
Harriet                                        R. McDonald

2nd Abiah D. Died Jan 30th 1788

Clara Puffer was the 2nd child of my grandfather, married ??? Howell

Page 2
Adonijah Chamberlin b. Jan 30th 1789 d. April 13, 1839 
married Clara Puffer b. Dec 24th 1788 d. Dec 13, 1868 in Markesan Wisc 
They were, married 1813 
2 children bom 
Sept 6, 1822 and Aug 27, 1826 died as infants in 1824 and 1826 
Other Children were: 
Alvin b. Aug 22, 1814 
Elsie b. Jan 2, 1816 
Clanisa b. May 21, 1818 
Harriet b. July 2, 1820 
Lore.n b. Oct 28 (?) 1829 

Frank Eugene Chamberlin and Kate R. Selkirk 
Married Jan 1, 1872 
Hester Arnelia d. Jan 1873 b.Nov 14, 1872 
Warfield Selkirk Chamberlin died Feb 1880 b. Feb 12, 1774 
Lucy Helen b. Aug 16, 1875 

Page 3
Alvin Chamberlin married Hester Jane Warfield on Jan 15th 1842 
Lucy Helen b. Nov 8, 1842 
Charlotte Amelia b. Aug 4, 1844 
Julia A. Prosnony? Chamberlin Nov 20, 1846
 Frank Eugene Sept. 29,1848 
Charlotte Amelia married Thaddeus Wyman Parsons on March 12, 1862 

Stephen Clark Fay and Mabel Julia Parsons on Nov 17, 1886 
Helen Josephine Parsons 
Will/Wills Frank Webster
 Dec 12,1899 

Page 4
Timothy Puffer

Clara Puffer married 1813 Adonijah Chamberlin

Arvilla Puffer "Lewis Groad" Groal??
died July 19, 1846

Permilla Puffer               Davis (written far right. Spouse?)
Fannie E. Puffer             Bowman (written far right. Spouse?)
Roy Puffer
Elias Puffer

Page 5
Julia Mabel Parsons
b. Sept 26, 1865

Byron Chamberlin Parsons
b. Oct 20 1867

Helen Josephine Parsons
b. Jan 12, 1873

Sumner Duane Fay
b. March 22, 1896

Page 6
I st Gen. Robert Day, Hartford Conn. 
died Aug 3 Ist 1848 martied Editha Stebbins, cousin of Rev. ""Thos" Hooker, 
all first settlers of Hartford. Sons John and Thomas 

2nd Gen. John Day married Sarah Maynard, of Hartford, died 1730 
family of 5 sons and 2 daughters 

3d Gen. John Day of Hartford, later of Colchester b. 1677 died Nov 4th 1762 
Married Grace Spenser of Hartford Jan 21 st 1696 
Eight sons and two daughters 

4th Gen. Benjamin of Colchester b. Feb 7th 1714, 
m. Margaret Foote of Colchester   d. Dec 22d 1777 March 6, 1729 
10 sons and 4 daughters 

5th Adonijah of Colchester, later of Ellington Conn., then of Lima NY b. July 16th 1733 
d. Oct Ist 1790 Married Sarah Loomis 1753 
10 sons and seven daughters 

Levi Day of Lima NY b. March 14, 1765 m. Feb 10, 1792 (brother of Lucy Day) 
d. June 11th 1849 
Abiah Chainberlin who died Dec 5, 1848 
4 sons 4 daugh 

6th Gen Lucy Day, daughter of Adonijah Day m. Benjarnin Chamberlin 

7th Gen. Adonijah Chamberlin (their son) m. Clara Puffer 
4 sons 3 daughters 

8th Gen. Alvin Chainberlin, eldest son - manied Hester Jane Warfield 
5 daugh. I son - Lucy, Hellen, Charlotte, Ameila, Julia Prom????? 
and Frank Eugene 

9th Gen. Charlotte Amelia nianied Thaddeus W. Parsons 
2 daugh I son 
Mabel Jula, Byron Chamberlin, Helen Josephine 

10th Gen Mabel Julia manied Stephen Fay 
one son Sumner Duane 

11th Gen Sumner Duane, married Will Webster 

Page 7
Charles W. Perry b. Oct 18, 1815 
married Harriet Chamberlin 
June 28th 1841 

Alvin R. Perry b. June 4th 1843 
d. Dee 18th 1847 

Frank W. Perry b. Dee 23, 1844
 Charles Henry Perry b. April 21st 1846 
died Jul 1866 

Harriet Perry b. June 2nd 1849 
d. Sept 2,1892 

Clarissa Perry b. March 2, 1854 

Nellie E. Leonard daugh of Harriett b. Dec. 10, 1868 

Charles H ?? son of Clarissa b. May 17, 1883 

Mistie A. Perry - Pearl Perry 
daughters of Frank Perry 
