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Other Useful Genealogy Sites

If you come across genealogy related sites that you think are very useful and would
like to post them for others, email me at the address at the
bottom of the page and I'll link them here

Some links may be added twice. If so, I apologize.

Linkpendium - An incredible site with tons of great links
(Thanks Roy!)

The United Kingdom and Ireland
Great page and large amount of resources for your search

North American Genealogy Resources

Worldwide Gen Sources

Internet Gen Guides

Ancestry 101
Link submitted by RMW

Gen Door
If you type in the surname Day, I found you must add an E to the end, Daye

Eastmans Genealogy Services
Eastmans online Genealogy Newsletter

New LDS site

Genealogy CD List
This site is a volunteer lookup site for various CD'S. Follow the instructions exactly.

Gen Searcher

Surname Search.Com

Lookups In Privately Owned Publications

The Massachusetts Bay Colony
This is full of good information

Search Your Surname On The Web
Over 20 surname searchers

Ancestor's Attic

History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton

The Largest On-Line Newpaper Obituary Search Listing On The Web!

Surname Helper


Lines and Lineages-I Found It and Common Threads

Search Rootsweb

Genealogy Central
Includes a large Surname Index where they alphabetically list various
surnames and the email addresses for people who are researching that name.
You can also submit your surname and email address.

The Genealogy Homepage

Search the US GenWeb Archives Digital Library

U.S. GENWEB Archives

Ian's Genealogy Page


Addies Geneal. Page
(includes excellent Emigration and Passenger Lists)

Quick Links

Genealogy Help Network

Surname Central
30,000 name database, bookstore,search engings

Truly Searchable Genealogy Links

Genealogy Gateway

Top Genealogy Sites
(over 40,000 links)


Directory of Royal Genealogical Data

Genealogy Home Pages

40 Shades of Green
(Large list of Links, excellent site for your Irish lines

Search United Kingdom

