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"Our Days" from Wales

Note: There will eventually be a Query/ Messageboard for Welsh Lines

Morgan Dee
(Wales (DEE), England (DAY) USA (Day) - NJ)
(Another George Day, Mary Riggs NJ line)
Submitted by Pamela

Morgan Dee
(Wales, England, USA-CT, NJ and more)
Connects to Robert Day lines
Also Submitted by Pamela

See also lines of Robert Day of Hartford Ct
Look Under "Multi Generation Charts
And then the lines of Billy D. Day and line of Janet Day Jackson
(Wales, England, USA-CT, MA, VT, NY, VA, IN, OH and more)

Nicholas Day b. Wales abt 1620
(Wales, USA-MD, NC, GA, VA)
Submitted by Wally


Links to other sites containing various Day information
Links will eventually be relocated to appropriate Country/State pages

Other Useful Genealogy Links
Many great sites to help you with your research

Suzanne and Richard are creating a great site for anyone searching
for their English and Welsh ancestors
This site provides guidance on WHERE to find information on your
English and Welsh ancestors
