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Will of John Day

 The will is as follows:--
    November 16, 1725.  In the name of God, Amen.  I, John Day of Hartford, being advanced in
years and weak in body, not knowing the day of my death, and being willing to set my house in
order, I do ordain and make this to be my last will and testament, hereby making void all former
wills by me made or declared.  Impri.  I give my soule to God who I hope hath redeemed it by
the precious blood of his Son, Jesus Christ.  Item.  After my debts and funeral charges are
discharged out of my moveable estate, I give to my loving wife two cows, with a third part of the
remainder of my moveable estate, as also all my right in the mill, and after her decease, I give it
to my son William and his heirs:  Item.  I give to my son John Day forty shillings to be paid out
of my [wearing or weaving.]--I do confirm to my several sons the deeds of gift I have formerly
made to them, of my lands to them and their heirs.  Item.  I give to my son William and to his
heirs my three acre lot in the Long meadow.  I give to my son Joseph my teame, with all the
appurtenances thereunto belonging.  Item.  All the rest of my moveable estate not before given,
I give to my daughters equally to be divided among them, only my daughter Sarah shall have
the value of four pounds more than either of her sisters.  And I do hereby nominate and appoint
my loving wife Sarah to be sole Executrix of this my last Will.  It being before omitted, I add, I
give to my wife the use of half my house during her widowhood, and half the cellar, the housing
to be on the south part.

