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All About Me!

Hello Here Is A Little About Me:
I'm 26 born on May 02, 1971 at In the Bronx NY. I'm 5'8" 165 lbs. medium build hazel-gray-green eyes (very sexy eyes I was born and raised in New York (the bronx) I lived there all my life until I met the woman of my dreams (well she was at the She was from Puerto Rico and since she was Pregnant at the time we moved to Cidra Puerto Rico it was so nice over there i didn't want to come home, but I did 1½ years later in which time I learned how to speak Spanish very well and read it too. I can't write Spanish to save my life GO FIGURE! Plus I learned to cook Spanish Food.

I have two kids a beautiful daughter 6 years old and a fine looking son 5 years old (I say fine looking cuz he looks just like Since I came back from Puerto Rico (4/23/93) I have lived in Pennsylvania (about 5 yrs now) Its nice here nothing like the Bronx much more Peaceful (BUT ILL ALWAYS BE A BRONX MAN ITS PART OF ME!) I live about 20 minutes from Philadelphia its real nice there alot of clubs. My Interests are:

Webtv, Computers, fixing things (mostly things i I also like meeting people even thou I'm very shy. real shy! I like going to movies to dinner and i also like to stay at home and just kick it with that special someone speaking of which [I LOVE YOU] (You Know Who You Are ø<8^). And I can't forget about chatting on line in talkcity Well this is my first time with a web page so please vist often ill be updated it often.Bye for now!                                    email me Here PassWord Is Kiss PassWord kiss....Kiss

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