You may want to wait before you get that new digital camera since the ones coming out in 2001 are supposed to have twice the resolution as todays 35 mm cameras.
These links are more computer or internet related:
Here is a Legal FAQ for webmasters.
You may want to start with this Free Homepage Guide
Here are the ones I am most familiar with:
* Angelfire is the home of The Littlestown Area Computer Club! and is A-OK!
* Tripod is an easy, good, web-building site
* Geocities with 1.2 million users!
* Webspawner, New?
Many free web-hosting sites may delete a site that has been inactive for as little as 30 days!
Keep in mind that most internet service providers provide 2 MB of free web space along with your internet access, with more space available at extra charge. While you do not need to know HTML to use these free site builders, a least some knowledge of HTML is always recommended. A good HTML site is The HTML Wizard .
Don't know HTML? No problem. There are many web authoring tools available making it easy for even the novice web-builder who dosen't know any HTML at all to have their own good looking sites, but there are drawbacks. For example, people looking for your site will find it easier to find if you have your own domain name, as opposed to using to useing a long and convuluted address such as ours(see above). Your ISP can (generally) help
you obtain one but you should get one yourself or at least make sure that if you change ISP's you can keep your domain name for no extra charge.
With a domain name your site will be much easier to find for a number of reasons, most importantly beacuse the search engine robots will have an easier time finding it. Some major search engines do not even index web pages built at the above free web-space providers!
Sites are much easier for the search engines to find if they have Meta tags. To see the one for this page here LACC: Click on View (above), then click on page source (above) to see how it is laid out.
With most of these site after you make your initial pages you can convert to HTML which is always the best way to go. Many people say that any hompepage builder will "break" after a while and just not work (or index) right.If you would rather hire a professional there are plenty of people on the net that can handle it. Locally, among others, there is Hello Hanover! or T and S here in Littlestown and in York there is
Email: Roland Rode, webmaster: Littlestown Area Computer Club
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