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When Pa Is Sick

When Pa is sick, he's scared to death,
An' Ma an' us just holds our breath;
He crawls in bed, an' puffs an' grunts,
An' does all kinds of crazy stunts.
He wants "Doc Brown" in mighty quick,
For when Pa's ill he's awful sick;
He gasps an'moans, an'sort of sighs,
He talks so queer an' rolls his eyes;
Ma jumps an' runs an' all of us,
An' all the house is in a fuss,
An' peace and joy is mighty skeerce—
When Pa is sick, it's somethin' fierce!

When Ma is Sick

When Ma is sick, she pegs away,
She's quiet, though, not much to say;
She goes right on a-doin' things,
An' sometimes laughs, or even sings;
She says she don't feel so extra well,
But then it's just a kind o' spell.
She'll be all right tomorrow sure,
A good old sleep will be the cure;
An' Pa, he sniffs an' makes no kick,
For women folks is always sick,
An' Ma, she smiles, lets on she's glad –
When Ma is sick, it ain't so bad.

Author Unknown