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Families are chosen by our Father above.
They're given to us in this lifetime to love.

If things don't go well with friends that we choose,
Our friendship we know is something we could lose.

But do we give our family the same kind of respect?
Sometimes I think not, no wonder they get so upset.

Our families are precious in life, they're the best part.
Don't do or say things you know will bruise their heart.

If you've said or done something to make them upset.
Tell them you're sorry, put the bad feelings to rest.

If they have upset you, let them know how you feel.
Don't let it grow and age, or it can become a big deal.

Remember the Lord chose them for a specific reason.
He chose them for a lifetime, not just for a season.

Author Unknown

NOTE: This poem is courtesy of my "surrogate mom", Dot. Love ya, Sweetie!